Haunted House

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5:10 p.m. 31 October 2013, Rogers and Delgado Resident

"Man. I am so excited for today!"

I squeal as I finish up the last part of my costume, gaining a chuckle from my blonde companion who is waiting for me by my bedroom door. We had agreed on going as Daphne and Fred, which in retro spec is a couples costume but I don't think he knew about that trend as he was actually the one to bring up the matching costume ideas.

I slide the last bobby pin in to the auburn color wig to make sure it stayed secure for the night that is to entail. I nod my head in satisfaction on the output of the wig, the lavender headband, and well, the whole outfit in general as I gloss it over in my bathroom mirror. I reach for the pink lipstick once more to re-apply to my lips only for it to get snatched away from my hand.

"Hey!" I cry out in surprise, followed by a chuckle.

"Steve, given me back the lipstick. Please." I turn, holding my hand out towards him.

"Why? I mean, you don't need it." He muses, learning a bit more towards me. "You already have some on."

"I know I already have some on." I huff with a smile and shake of my head. "I'm just going to apply one more coat so it stays on longer." I explain to him.

Steve just smiles down at me for a moment as his eyes dance around my face before he let's out a sigh.

"Alright, whatever you say doll." He drops the small tube into my hand. "I just think you didn't needed the make-up like always." He winks.

I watch in silence (and a slightly red face) as the super-soldier sashays out of the room and most likely into the livingroom now that I'm done. I shake off the initial shock from the sudden and bold compliment from the blonde man before gathering up my matching lavender cross-body bag that I bought a while ago, hoping I won't get cold from just the long sleeved dress lavender dress, green ascot wrapped around my neck, tan sheer pantyhose (which are actually pretty warm on the inside), and the knee length purple rubber boots.

The costume was a mix between the older cartoons and the two-thousand two movies so I am really proud with how it looks together. Steve ended up doing the same as he is wearing a white knitted vest over a blue long sleeve shirt, a blue leather jacket, the iconic orange ascot wrapped around his neck, a pair of brown sneaker shoes, and blue denim jeans. His hair, obviously combed over to the side like the character... I mean if anything, it kind of looks like Fred's in the movie just shorter.

I think we looked pretty great... yet again, I could just be biased as I am talking about myself and the man with a plan.

I quickly shove in the tube of lipstick, a Chapstick, my phone, portable charger and cords, and my wallet as I rush over to meet Steve by the elevator. He didn't seem to be bothered or anything about waiting but I know that's just him being a polite, wholesome, man but I still felt bad about taking a bit longer than I normally do.

"Now I'm ready."

I grin with a nod as we step into the elevator, getting a chuckle from the dashing man beside me.


"Alright team, we are here." Tony announces from the front of the large vehicle.

We had all agreed upon going to a haunted house this year (even Banner is here!) as we didn't know what to do for Halloween since we are all adults and can't really go out trick-o-treating as society deems it 'weird' for adults to do so and not to mention they are the Avengers so they would just get overwhelmed with mobs of fans... well, maybe not as it is Halloween and we are all dressed up.

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