Mission: Space

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"Oh, I love history class! Someone is always leaving me a little piece of gum stuck under my desk." Adam said as the group of five walked down the stairs at school.

"Adam, please tell me you didn't." Chase said. Adam blew a bubble with the gum and popped it.

"He did. He totally did." Bree said as Chase and Jodie hummed in agreement.

"Oh. Guys, don't look now, but here comes that guy none of us like. Marcus." Leo said as Marcus walked up to them.

"M-dog!" Adam, Bree and Chase said.

"Hey!" Marcus said.

"What's up!"

All four of them hugged while Leo and Jodie looked at them confused.

"Wait wait. Hang on a sec there. 'M-dog'?" Jodie asked, as her and Leo stood between the three bionic teens and Marcus.

"Yeah. Bro's call each other by nicknames." Chase said.

"Well, I'm your actual bro and you don't call me by a nickname." Leo said.

"Actually, we do. We just choose not to do it in your presence. Mr. Tiny McLittlestein." Adam said, while patting Leo on the head.

"Hey, Marcus, what are you up to this weekend?" Chase asked.

"Ah, my dad's out of town so I'll be stuck home alone with my grandma." Marcus said.

"Aha! You said your grandma was dead." Leo said, pointing at Marcus.

"The other grandma. But thanks for reminding me. I wish I could stay with you guys for the weekend." Marcus said, looking back at the bionic trio.

"And we wish you weren't a spastic sociopath with abandonment issues." Jodie said with the fakest smile she could muster up. Leo nodded in agreement with his best friend.

"Guys, give it a rest." Chase said, looking at the duo. He moved both of them out of the way.

"Chase none of us are safe until the FBI responds to my request for a background check on this 'M-dog'." Leo said.

"Look, Marcus, I'm sure you can stay with us. I'll just check with Mr. Davenport." Chase said.

"You call your dad 'Mr. Davenport'?" Marcus asked.

"Uh. No. Pssh. No. But you do, and I wanted to make sure you knew who I was talking about." Chase said.

"Nice save." Jodie whispered to him.

"Okay. Cool. Thanks, guys." Marcus said and walked away.

Just then the bell rang. Two football players were throwing around the ball near the group.

"Bree, watch out!" Chase yelled. He had raised his hand before sending the ball flying the other way, stopping it from hitting Bree.

"What just happened?" Bree asked as they looked at Chase.

"Did you just...?" Adam asked, trailing off.

"I think I just moved that ball with my mind." Chase said as they looked in the direction the ball went.

"I didn't know you could do that." Jodie said, turning to him.

"Neither did I." Chase said.

"Man, if you can do that with your mind, I wonder what I can do with mine." Adam said.

"We've been wondering that for years." Bree said and pulled Jodie off to class with her.

"Chase, this is amazing. You can move things with your mind! You're like a really cool magician. You know, if there was such thing as a really cool magician." Leo said as the five walked into the lab.

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