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"Mission accomplished." Bree said as all four of them walked into the lab after a mission.

"Great job, guys. You saved that island from the biggest tropical storm in decades." Donald said to the four superhumans.

"And, lucky for you. I brought home a whole bag of hairy fruit." Adam said and dumped out a bag full of fruit on the console.

"Just be happy I put the pelican back." Jodie said.

"Guys, that mission was the finest use of superhuman abilities and bionics to date. I think we can all agree that strength plus speed equals success." Donald said as Adam, Bree and Jodie laughed and high-fived.

"Uh...excuse me. Let's not forget the mastermind behind this entire thing." Chase said.

"Oh, right. Let's give it up for our fearless leader... Mr. Davenport! Whoo!" Adam cheered as he and Bree high-fived Donald.

"What? No! I was talking about me! I supervised the whole mission." Chase said.

"Yeah, but I think we all know who did the heavy lifting. I'll give you a hint: Starts with an 'A', ends with an 'M'. There's a big 'da' in the middle. Okay, guys, it's me." Adam said.

"Please, the real work happened up here." Chase said and pointed to his head.

"Right, you are." Jodie said, giving Chase a small kiss on the cheek.

"Chase, no offense, but your bionic brain is no match for our hustle-" Bree said.

"And muscle." Adam continued, finishing Bree's sentence.

"Ooh, that is a great team name! Hustle, Muscle and Ch...uscle. Mm. Don't worry, we'll find you guys an 'ustle'." Donald said, looking at Chase and Jodie.

"Leave me out of it." Jodie mumbled.

"I'm so tired of these two getting all of the attention because they have super speed and super strength. I never get any of the credit." Chase said.

"That is not true, Chase. They just have a lot of flash. But you're the glue that holds that flash together. You're... flash glue." Donald said.

"I'm 'flash glue'?" Chase asked.

"Hey, I think I figured it out." Adam said and used his forehead to crack open the fruit. "Ahh... You're right, Chase. The real work does happen up here." Adam said, drinking the juice from the fruit.

"Okay, guys, say hello to my latest invention, the Cryo-blaster! This thing can freeze anything in a nanosecond." Donald said to the five teens, who were in the lab that day.

"Bravo, Big D. You invented ice." Leo said.

"No, I invented a way for astronauts to travel to distant galaxies while frozen in suspended animation." Donald explained.

"Which is a fancy way of saying 'ice'." Leo said.

"All right, here, let me demonstrate. You guys might want to step back because the ray from the Cryo-blaster freezes everything it touches." Donald said. The five stepped back as Donald froze a cup with the Cryo-blaster.

"Can someone please tell this dude he's making ice?" Leo said, looking at the four superhumans.

"Dude, you're making ice." Jodie said to Donald.

"Look, every space program in the world is going to want one of these. I just need the element to fuel them, cytanium. And it's only found here." Donald said and showed them a map on the console. "I'm sending you on a mission to the most remote part of Antartica." Donald continued, looking at the superhumans.

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