41. The Incident

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Dad has been in and out of meetings all summer, losing sleep. Me, Hermione and Harry have all noticed it. He's working himself dry. Right now, we're in the suburbs to see Harry's Aunt and Uncle with Dad's attorney. Despite Hermione's best efforts, she couldn't come. It's only been a week now and I miss her. A lot. Harry's sort of depressed too. My Dad has been good to him, yeah, but such is Dad's curse, he feels more like a friend than a father. Harry needs a father figure right now. He needs Sirius. We took a walk to the nearby playground for some fresh air on this humid day, clear our heads a bit before it gets too late to do so in the near future.

"Sammy, I just want to thank you for sticking it out with me. This is very stressful and I know how stressful it is for you."

"Harry, you're my brother. I'm not going anywhere."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I turn around and take a prepared stance as a band of teenage cronies start coming towards us. "Bloody hell, that's my cousin."

"That Dudley prick?"

"The same."

"Brilliant punch, Big D." One of the cronies says, "Did you see his face?"

"Hey 'Big D.'" Harry says, "Beat up another ten year old?"

"This one deserved it." Dudley says, lakies one through four agree.

"Probably about as much as that cow you swallowed whole, you gluttonous oaf." I spit.

"And who are you?" Dudley scowls

"Samuel Hedrich." I state, pointedly.

"You haven't changed at all, attacking a kid five on one. Very brave." Harry growls.

"Well you're one to talk. You couldn't handle us so you ran away to your little boyfriend and his dad. Now look at you, just because you've ran away to someone else's parents, you think you have the right to judge me? You and your new family can go wherever you want but it can never cover up the fact that you have none. That your family is-" I punch him right below the eye and Harry stomps towards him. Now that their leader is on the ground squealing in pain, the lackeys are frozen in place.

"You want a command motherfuckers? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!" They run as Harry points his wand to Dudley's throat. Then the sky darkens and an eerily familiar feeling of doom settles over me. "Harry?"

"What did you do, Potter?" Harry's cousin squeaks.

"Shut up, fuck boy!" I shout, "And come with us if you want to live." We start to run, "What the fuck are dementors doing out here?!"

"The bloody hell's a dementor?!"

"Shut up, Pillsbury!"

Harry shakes his head, "I don't know!" We go into a tunnel and stop momentarily.

"This is why I need my fucking sword." I whisper, catching my breath. Then the lights flicker. We stand silent for a moment. Then a dementor grabs Harry and pins him against a wall and a second attacks Dudley. I move to help Harry when a third grabs me by my neck and pins me to the ground. "Harry... don't..." Then he starts sucking my soul. Weakened, I grab for Snape's pocket watch. It's already a dagger. I shove it into the dementor's chest and kick it back with all the strength I can muster. Gaining the perfect room to release a spell.

"Expecto Patronum!" Me and Harry chant in unison, promptly dispatching of both of our dementors before launching them both at the one on top of Dudley. I pocket the dagger and whimper, falling back to the ground weakly.

"Bloody Hell. I hate dementors." Harry groans, helping me up and we both move towards Dudley who looks rightly dazed. We hear footsteps and a wagon coming towards us and look up to see what looks like a senile old lady. Harry and I share a look and look back at the lady, "Mrs. Figg!"

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