51. A New Teacher

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This summer was much more difficult than the others. It hurt so much to read helplessly about the deeds of the Death Eaters. When The Fallen Empire started shooting, the entire set was destroyed by the Death Eaters, killing hundreds of people. This sent me into a depression that I still haven't quite escaped. Not only that but, Dad's struggling to balance us, work, and the Order. Also, the new Minister of Magic is an incompetent imbecile who has no reasonable understanding of the situation. Amos is the only one remotely calm right now, and he's just exhausted. Otherwise, mine and Hermione's book It's Time the Wind Comes Knocking came out and it's selling out faster than copies can be printed, so at least we're helping some people get through this tough time. Yesterday, Harry and I got a letter requesting that we meet Dumbledore at a train station. Dad agreed to take us and here we are. I'm inhaling a burger as Harry reads The Daily Prophet.

"I don't get why you still read them. They can't stick to a story." I manage around a bite of burger.

"Well, we don't have many options." Harry shrugs.

"If we did, we wouldn't have elected Scrimgeour." I agree.

"He's not that bad."

"He claims to be making progress, yet he has no evidence of that progress. He pisses me off."

"Who?" The waitress asks, approaching our table.

"Oh, uh... Bush." I play off.

"Yeah, nobody likes him. She looks briefly at Harry's newspaper before he sets it down. "Harry Potter. Who's Harry Potter?"

Harry bites his lip, "Erm... No one. Bit of a tosser."

"I'm sure there are infinitely better ways to say that." I mutter, causing Harry to scowl in my direction before looking back up at the admittedly attractive waitress. I find the look of awe on his face to be hilarious.

"Funny, that paper of yours. I've seen a few just like it, couple nights ago, I could swear I saw one of the pictures in one move."

"Really?" Harry asks with mock surprise.

"Thought I'd gone around the twist." The girl admits. She gives Harry a smile and starts to walk away.

I look at Harry, "If you're interested, take a shot, my guy. No point being modest and pitiful now."

Harry flags her down, "Hey, I was wondering-"

"Eleven, that's when I get off. Then you can tell me all about that tosser Harry Potter."

I give Harry a face that shows how many jokes I could come up with from that line. "Oh shut up, Sammy." Harry sighs, holding back laughter. I look at the clock, it's ten fifty-five. "Doesn't look like I'll make that date."

"Well we'll come back tomorrow and you can make up an excuse."

"Yeah..." He mutters, then looks at me. "Do you like sports, Sammy?"

"I'm good at baseball. Good at footba- American football, excuse me. I can also play basketball, and that's about it. Soccer - or European football, damn you America, I'm rubbish at it."


"Didn't take you to have interest in baseball."

"I don't, but what was your... your –" He trails off.

"My what, Glasses?"

"You know, your..." He moves his hand as if swinging a baseball bat.

"My batting average?"

"Yeah, that!"

"Well, granted, this was against eight year old muggles, my average was point seven-hundred only because I had to miss occasionally to avoid getting terminated, I played some high schoolers too, while I was eight, still averaged about the same."

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