chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

Last time in Enigma:

She was trying to get the much needed air in but she couldn't, not with his strong grip on her throught, and his body full weight on her abdomen, while his knees hit her in her broken ribcage.

Then it went silent.

Her heart went silent.

It stopped beating.

He finally did it, he is free from her.

He watched as her eyes close and her head fell to the side.  He was supposed to be happy yet here he is feeling dreadful.

It was seeping all across his body.

What has he done?

Then he remembered it.

'You kill your mate and Eva dies.'

Before he can do anything he was pushed away from his dead mate with someone on top of him blowing at his face.

He was still in shock of what happened that he let his attacker continue his assault on his face, as he felt blood on him.

He knew it was his blood, maybe a little of his attacker but mainly it was his. His ears were ringing, he could hear yells and screams but all of them were jumbled together.

He knows for sure that he will have headache.

The voices start to clear a little bit, while his attacker start shaking him.

"-get her."

"Nora - help."

"-call- fastest- bring her."






All those jumbled voices is driving him insane.


"WHY?!" Finally he heard it. Someone was screaming at him. The question that he didn't know it's answer, why did he kill her? Why did he want her dead in the first place? He didn't know anything anymore.



It was Maxell.

He was his attacker and the one who kept screaming at him. But he didn't care, he deserved it.

Budm-up  Budm-up.

Then he heard it. The beating of her heart is back, but it was so faint and so weak that he almost missed it. It was like trying to hide its presence from the outer world.

Beep - Beep - Beep.

"She is stables for now, but i can't promise you anything especially waking up. I don't think she will wake up any time soon."

A blonde girl said from the other side of the room while frowning down at Rebecca.

"What is that?!" She asked as she reached down to his mate chest and pulled out a necklace that was glowing with a blinding light.

"Don't know, kept glowing the whole time even before we entered it was glowing."

Someone said from beside him, then he noticed that it was Adrian.

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