Chapter 2

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝕽 2 :

"Oh god, what happened?!" I groaned in pain as I wake up.

The sun was hitting my eyes without mercy. "What did I ever do to you?!!!" I screamed at the sky holding my head in pain as I sit up slowly.

I blinked my eyes several times, as I looked around me in confusion "Why I am sleeping on the ground?!!!!" I don't remember being sleepy to blackout in the middle of the woods like that.

I looked around me and saw claw marks and -is that blood- on the trees! And that's when I remembered the wolf.

"Oh My God – Oh My God I was being chased by that wolf ...." And at this moment my dear imaginary people I decided and for the first time in a while to be a normal human being and run back home.

I quickly get up and start running back but I swear that I heard a rustling behind me, I didn't stop nor look behind me to see the cause but I know for sure that I am being watched or followed I really don't know or care.

As I see my house coming in view, I sighed in relief and slow down a bit, when I reached our garden I looked back in the woods and I swear I saw a pair of blue eyes looking at me, I blinked my eyes and it vanished before I can be sure.

"Strange," I muttered to myself as I went inside the house to be met with a furious yet worried mom.

"Hay Moma."

"Don't hay me, young lady! where have you been?" She yelled at me.

"I was in the woods Moma... Why are you angry?!"

I was confused about her behaviour.

"WHY I AM ANGRY?!!!! ARE YOU FUCKING REALLY ASKING ME THAT QUESTION?!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IS IT?!!" okay freaky – creepy, mom never curse like ever so I think I am in deep shit right now.

"Moma language." My twin's siblings said to mom as they continue eating their breakfast. I took me I Phone out and looked at the watch to be met with a bloody 7:45 am.

"What the actual fuck." I screamed as I run past mom getting up the stairs while my mother screaming at me for cursing in front of the twins.

"You cursed too," I yelled back to her as I throw myself into the bathroom taking the most quickly -with inhuman speed – the fastest shower in the whole damn world.

I really don't like school or something but I like my record clean and I am not going to give that up because of a son of a gun wolf.

Uh-ah thank you very much.

With that in mind, I quickly dashed out of my bathroom with me being in my all-naked glory running like a maniac to my devil of the closet with my wet hair flying everywhere sending waters on my clothes...who cares now... I frankly took out my skinny white jeans with my blue V-neck shirt, not really seeing that I should not go in those clothes to school.

Why? Because I am considered a nerd well technically I am, but anyway I only go in hoodies and Peggy pants every day...but at the lake of the time and mind, mind you people- I didn't notice anything.

As I got downstairs my mother looked at me with wide eyes.."What?!" I asked her in a hurry as I take my homemade lunch not waiting for her to answer as I sprint out of the door getting inside my black BMW and on the road.

"Fudged my luck," I swear as I hit the speed on the road fast to school as I saw my car watch 7:56 am.

I have three fudging minutes to get to school.

I press harder on the fuel pad getting faster; I smirked to myself.

"Time to get my furious side out."

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