Chapter 19

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝕽 19:

𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖆'𝕾 𝖕𝖔𝖛:

I was going back to the house after losing the demon in the forest.

"God, if she had caught me I would have been six feet under." I said to myself with a shiver running through my back at the thoughts that come to me if she was able to catch me.

'Well she was able to catch you but somehow you were able to shake her off and run off.'

And it is back, the so oh wise one. I rolled my eyes at her. If mom was here she would tell me that it is my voice of reason.


I opened the front door with a sigh of relief.

'I am alive,' I thought to myself happily.

'For now,'

'God! please can you just shut up and leave me in peace,'

'Not gonna happen, we are the same person, you and me are one. I can't leave like in snap of the finger,'

I groaned out, not that shit again.

"Oh you are back." I heard from my left so I turned around to see Patrick with the others in the living room with three girls, two of them that I already know of, but the last girl caught my attention the most.

She was beautiful with her brown locks framing her face and her eyes that have the color of the purest honey, they sparkled at everything they fell on, and now it was I, whom are sparkling at.

I shook the strange feeling that pulled at my heart to want be close to this girl.

'Strange, I have never felt like this except for my family and Clara's! Who the hell is she?' I thought to myself while narrowing my eyes at the said girl, which get me angry looks from the new guys and a smirk with curiosity from Melina while Alice titled her head to the side at me.

I rolled my eyes at them all and start heading to the second story where my room is.

"Where are you going?" I heard Patrick yell after me.

"Away from you, traitor,"

"Oh come on Rebeca you can't stay angry at me forever," Patrick said as he comes up after me.

I headed for my room quickly and get inside and before he can follow me, I turned around to face him.

"You are right I can't stay angry at you for long but now I don't want to see your face and that wife of yours, so do me a favor and fudge off."

I said that to him as I slammed the door shut on his shocked face.

I know I was harsh, but still letting her out on me is plain harsh, that thing don't think when she is angry.

I sighed at the events of todays that weren't pleasant at all.

I get my phone out and called my mum to talk, as I miss her already and it just been three days 12 hours 23 minutes 10 seconds, 11 days more to go.

After some ringing, she answered me with her angelic smile on.

"Hey sweetie."

I smiled at her.

"Hey mum."


𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖐'𝕾 𝖕𝖔𝖛:

I went back to the living room while sulking about Rebecca being angry with me.

"What happened we heard yelling from up there?" Adrian asked me with a raised eyebrow.

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