Chapter 3

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝕽 3:

My back hit the wall with force that made me held my breath or is it that I actually don't have any air left in my lungs to breath!!!

Hmmm, well I don't care either way you get my point I am not breathing! Why you ask?! Well lets go back in memory {for you chapter}- okay so I was sitting in my class having the best lectures of all about –who knows what- actually I was daydreaming.


Back to the story ahem, suddenly the door broke Blah blah this and blah blah that I was yanked and here I am.

Oh my god did that sound like a song for you! Because it did for me. I am definitely going to use it from now on hell yeah.HAHAHAH.

"Bitch get back from wonderland already."I was pulled from my haven with you guys by mister grumpy pants. He was looking at me with such hatred that I yet don't know the reason behind it.

"What do you want?" I asked him with a scowl on my face.

He and his gangbuster looked surprised blah blah blah.

"When did you get your back bone on?" he asked me with a question look on his face.

Well it is look like a donkey look to me. A stupide donkey if you asked me.

"look Browns really today I am not in the fudging fudged mood for your stupide games or whatever you call it so give me a break from your stupid speeches and get lost."
With that, I pushed him back with all my might but ... it looks like an ant trying to push a rock...For real, what is he made off? After a whole damn five minutes of trying to get him away from me with his stupid best friends laughing their ass's out of this plant on the floor.. I gave up.

I was breathing hard.

"You finished?!"I looked up at his stupid blue eyes as they laughed at me mocking me at my fail. It really get me angry to the point where I lost control of my amazing leg and hit him where the sun doesn't shine.

It was like a blur one second he was in front of me mocking me the next he was on the floor holding his –uh his ohoohoo- you know what---- in pain.

I was frozen in place looking at him in shock with Adam and Jackson looking at me as if I killed their own jewels.

"Um ... well I think it's time for me to go ... and if his jewels are dead well I think I just saved the world from a disaster that was bound to happen in the future. Ja na." I rambled as I dashed out of there saving my little stupid ass from being killed.

"Wait you little bitch you are gonna get it this time." I heard yelling from behind me as footsteps ran after me.

I looked back –and it was a bad choice man I never learn from my lessons... guys let me tell you an advice if someone is chasing after you never ever look behind you or what will happen to me will happen to you.- Anyway, Adam was chasing me and I yelped in fright as I saw him coming closer so I run faster but- guess what happened....I fell from the stairs...I mean whom the fudged in their right mind to put the stairs at the end of the hall... I will definitely look for the stupid architecture and kill him for my misery.

That is, if I stayed alive. Anyway as I was falling more like flying down the stairs I remembered this song so I yelled "I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky."

However, I touched the ground with my head going full force with the wall. Then, I slide down and slumped like a dead cow on the ground.

I really need to know why the ground love me so much escpisally today!

"What the hell."

I heard someone yell from beside me as I heard my name being yelled.

"Rebecca oh my god! You are bleeding you stupid cow." Adam yelled curses at me that made me laugh like a maniac.

He thinks like me.

"Why the hell are you laughing." He yelled while pressing on my head, which hurts like the Queen bee heels on my ears.

Oh my god that rhythm. I laughed harder at that which in the progress get Adam to pull his hair out of his skulls.

"Why the hell did she came flying from above the stairs?!" I heard someone ask so I looked or tried to as Adam held my head prisoner under his death grip.

"None of your fucking business."

"Watch your tone Hunter." Someone growled.


What in the skittle fudged name is going on this fudged day of month! Oh wait I think I have an answer for this one. And I start laughing like there is no tomorrow which I think there is no for me.

"Why are you laughing?!" I heard three voices yell at me, one of them is Adam.

"I know what is happening today!" I answered while laughing harder. And I was met with silence.

"What do you mean Rebecca?!" Adam asked me with unease in his voice.


"The earth dude! The earth." I answered him in a duh tone.

"What about it?" he asked me confused now and I start seeing black spots in my vision as I turned my head to be met with the most memorizing eyes that I have ever seen.

"She is having her day --- I mean – it's her time of- the month .... You get it." I answered him with me shaking a little as I laughed at what I said still looking at the blue eyes but I saw this time that they have a hint of honey in them strange combine yet fascinating.

My eyes start closing as Adam yelled for me to open them but I really want to sleep right now.

Therefore, I was in my dreamland with the two strangers again. They are always in it smiling at me but never saying a word.

"Who are you?!"I asked them but I never get the answer as they vanished from in front of me to be replaced with the same eyes from before.

The eyes from the woods.

They were looking at me watching my every move as I sit down and stare right back at them.

Why do they look familiar? Those blue honey eyes?!
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝕽 𝖊𝖓𝖉.

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