Chapter 4

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝕽 4:


"SOMEONE SHUT THE FUDGED UP THIS ANNOYING SOUND." I screamed in annoyance with my eyes still closed and I don't know where I am!

Yeah that is a good question where am I?!

I tried to open my eyes but they won't budged! It's like some devil put a glue on them or something! Oh my god did the two devils do it.

I start panicking and the beeping sound start getting faster and higher. My little twin siblings is the definition of devils, they live on pranking me I swear. One prank they did to me was last month and it was a dead glued mouse on my favorite pillow, that day I screamed like a dying whale running out of the house and falling right in the middle of a puddle of mud that they make it just for me.

The love they have for me 'note the sarcasm.'

I finally get my eyes opened. Yay, they are not glued together.

I do a victory dance in my head with me shaking all of my glorious body in the wrong direction Uha-uha-uhauahauaha. I am miserable at dancing yeah and I am proud of admitting it.

Stop talking and look around yourself you moron.

I looked around me to be meet with.... White and white and more white!

"Why the hell I am in the hospital?!" I yelled in frustration at no one.

"Because you broke your head." Someone from beside me said which get me screaming in fright and I start to feel pounding in my head.

"Urgh Mom that is no way to tell someone that you are in the room." I said while trying to ease the pain.

"Oh really! Do you know what happened to me when your school called me at work telling me that you are being taken to the hospital and you might not make it! DO YOU!" my mom screamed at me with tears falling down her eyes.

I felt bad for making my dearest Moma worry at me like that.

"I am sorry Moma I didn't mean to scare you."

I said in a quiet voice, looking down at my hands. I heard her sigh as she embraced me in her warm hug.

"I am sorry dear, I just thought that I will lose you. I was really scared you are my first child, you are my first happiness in this world please don't take that away from me." She said as she hugged me tighter.

"Moma I love you so much."

"Me too dear, me too."

"Ahem- sorry to cut your moment.. but I need to see the patient." Someone cleared their throat as me and mom get away from each other.

"Yeah of course Dr. Wesley." my mom said while drying her tears.

'Wesley as Harry Potter bestfriend! Wow.'

I looked at the doctor and his hair was no red....Jeez it's only an old man, with white hair, and here I thought I would be able to go to Hogwarts!

Dream killer.

The old doctor nods his head at Mom as he turns to me and starts asking me questions, about myself and the accident that get me in this state and so on.

After I answered them all he get out saying that I don't have any memory loss or brain damaged I don't know I wasn't focusing that hard at what he was saying, my Moma is enough.

"When I will be discharged Moma?!"

"After three weeks honey."

"What? Why that long!"

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