Chapter 33

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Chapter 33:

Damien looked at Rebecca in astonishment as he saw her sitting up fully while hugging her crying sister to her chest.

"I didn't do anything, bitch," he said the last part in a low voice, but still Rebecca heard it and it gets her angry, so she threw a pillow to his unsuspecting face, which get Emma to laugh out loud at Damien surprised face.

Damien felts his blood start boiling in anger but kept himself somewhat controlled, which is surprising.

"Careful with that attitudeof yours, if you want to stay alive," Damien said with a clenched teeth, while fisting his hands.

"You need to take a chill pill dude, or that head of yours might blow up from all the blood rushing to it," Rebecca said with a bored tone while caressing her sister head.

"And don't you dare curse infront of my sister again."

"Lebbeca I am going to tell Clala that you arl awake," Emma said and run out of the room before she can stop her.

Silence fell on the room as the two of them ignored each other presence, but Rebecca could not take it anymore.

"Why are you still here? No scratch that, what are you doing here manwhore?"

"God you really want to die! Shut that damn hole that you call mouth! will you?" Damien patience was dangerously thinning.

"And stop calling me Manwhore!" He bellowed out on her.

"Why? I hurt your "little" ego? Isn't it true? I really don't understand you at all! I don't know you, yet I am attracted to you! Which never happens to me before, who the fudge are you? Huh? I tried to get the fudge away from you, but everytime I start making some progress you and those stuiped, idiot, moron friends of yours and YOU came back full force in my life, again! I mean who the fudge broke in another "stranger" house because they heard that they are with someone else! Huh? You act like we are together! But newsflash hon we are NOT, so stop bothering me you a**hat and go back to your toys, and leave me the fudge alone!" Rebecca said in one breath while her face turned red in her ranting.

"Finished?" Damien asked calmly while looking at her with piercing eyes.

"Y-yeah," she stutters out while getting goosebumps from his unmoving stare.

'Why the hell did I stutters!' She thought to herself as she watched him closely.

"Good." Was all he said before standing up from his chair and start moving towards her with steady steps.

When Rebecca saw him coming near her, she gets afraid and start moving backwards as much as her sitting position allows her, which was not much.

For some strange reason she felt scared of him so much but, she doesn't know why! And that was driving her crazy.

'Why am I afraid of him! This doesn't make any sense at all, I have never felt like this before,'

'Okay I really need my crazy self back, like right this instant as my sane self is not helping at all.' I thought desperately as I locked eyes with him.

"W-what are you d-doing? S-stay back!" Rebecca exclaimed as a flash of memory came to her mind.

'He was there and advancing at her in her room with a beasty look.' Rebecca freeze in her place as she remembered what happened that day.

'Oh my god! he is not a human!' Her breaths started to shorten as flashes of what happened to her start to invalid her mind.

'I was attacked by him, I was assaulted also!' She thoughts as she remembered what he did to her and what he said.

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