Chapter 34

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Chapter 34:

Rebecca's pov:

I was hallucinating after I snapped at Damien as i saw my power acting up with my emotions and throwing him through the wall.

'God is he okay?!' I asked myself as I tried to get up from the bed, to go and make sure if he was okay even thought I hate him with passion but I am not that cruel to try and kill him...

'Well maybe kill him after knowing the truth? I mean he did attack us first so... '

'Oh my god! You are alive!!!'

'Bitch! You are still alive, so ofcourse I am alive!' My sassy consciousness snapped back at me.

'For your information, I didn't miss you,' I said with a huff.

'Same here.' Was all she said as she went silent again. 

"This bitch for real." I said outloud to myself while sighing out in annoyance as I laid back in my bed.

"Waite why am getting out in the first place?!" I asked myself while looking at the ceiling in confusion.

"Maybe you wanted to check out if your work is done? Like destroying my house while killing that son of a bitch boy?" I heard Clara's voice to the left side of me. I turned my head to see her looking at me with her eyebrow raised standing near the door frame, while her husband came from behind her and rushed to my side with Alec taking my other side.

"Hmm, that actually is a good idea, I mean the mansion is in dire need for new look."  I told her, then turned my head to Patrick and asked with an innocent look on my face "isn't that right Patrick?"

"Shut up both of you!" Was the answer I get from him as he continues to fret over me with Alec, which made me sigh in annoyance yet the warmth of their concerns reached me, which make a smile crept on to my face, while looking at them lovingly until "OUCH," I yelled out in pain as Patrick pressed on my injured rips with a little force.

"Yah! What the fuck you two are doing! Get away from her before I kill you both!" Clara yelled out at them, throwing them out of the room and closing the door behind them with a slam.

"Um you know that is not going to work with this huge hole in the wall," I said as we saw Melina came from the same hole I was pointing at, which made me chuckles at Clara expressions.

Melina looked at us with a confused look on her face "why did you slam the door like that?"

Clara didn't answer her and cast a spell on the hole of the wall making it reserve in time, to get back to how it used to be.

I was looking at Clara with shocked eyes. 'Such a cheater!' I thought to myself.

I leant back on the back of my bed, while pouting at her angrily.

"What?" She looked at me with a title of her head while Melina sighed at us.

"How dare you cheat like that! I wanted to do a decore, a new decoration for the room using that hole as an excuse, however you came with your stupid moves and tur- I stopped mid-sentence and looked at Clara in astonishment! Shock? I don't know, just now this situation resign in my brain.

"Holy moly fudging poly, what the actual fudge!!!! How did you do that?!!!!!" I screamed at her, while freaking out of my mind.

'Now you noticed? Pfft stupid,'

'Shut up and leave,' I growled the last part at my consciousness as I heard Millina scolding Clara at her carelessness.

"I can't believe you, how did you do that infront of her?!" Millina said in disbelieve while Clara looked as if her soul get out of her body.

"Oh My God, isn't that beasty monster thing enough!" I whispered to myself quietly, but as I expected Millina snapped her head in my direction.

"What do you mean by beasty monster?" She asked me with uneasiness in her tone, face, eyes... her whole body was in uneasiness.

'You think she is one of them?' My consciousness asked me, as I kept staring at Melina blankly.

'Puh-lease, isn't that obvious? She came with them and she is like them, some sort of a shape shifter?' I thought unsure of the right word for calling them.

'Is that what they call them?' My consciousness asked.

'Do I look like I know? I just asked the question before you, stupid.' I huffed at my stupid consciousness, while I felt a pinch on my hand, which snapped me back to reality.

"Ouch!" I yelled as I pulled my hand away from Millina. I glared at her as I massaged my damaged hand.

"Why did you do that?"

"Cause you were out of it." Melina said with mirth in her eyes.

"Excuse me! Don't give me this attitude girl, as I remember clearly we are not friends or anything close, so behave yourself," I said while gritting my teeth in annoyance at her.

She lowered her head down looking at the ground while showing her neck in submission "I am sorry." She said and avoid looking my way.

I was surprised at her submission behaviour as I didn't expect that from her, Melina is an outgoing girl with a confidence, savage attitude, so for her to be submissive like this is so out of character.

'Maybe it's something from their animal side?' My consciousness asked unsure but it made me think about it... maybe that's true!

'I need to get some answers, now that I have an opportunity.' I thought to myself as I eyed Millina with suspiciously.

"Clara, If you are not going to give me answers please leave me and Melina alone," I said with a blank face. Clara hesitated for a moment before giving Melina a look then went out after nodding at me.

I felt hurt as she preferred to not answer my question and left me alone. I sighed a little bit as disappointment fill me to the core, oh well what am expecting we had a fall out and that was partly my fault but for her to just go like that, I feel the trust she has in me. I scoffed at my stupid self and turned to Melina with a cold look on my face.

"What do you want to ask?" Melina asked me as she sat down beside my bed on the chair Damien was occupying minutes ago.

"What I want to ask? Hmmm good question," I mumbled to myself as I thought of what should I tell her and if I can trust her or not... well obviously I can't trust her, after all she is one of them, but let's see what I can get out of her.

"Let's not walk in circles, okay." I said with an emotionless voice while looking at her expressionless.

"Okay, no beating around the bushes," she answered with a smile, while her eyes looked at me without wavering.

'She knows, that I know." I thought to myself as I give her a small smile in return.

"What are you?"


To be continued...

So I am back! Um... aside from my grandma passing, I was trying to decide if I want to continue publishing any of my stories on Wattpad or not to, as my stories isn't getting much attention on wattpad to begin with, I mean I thought that my stories are dull, not good enough and my writing is bad and all, and maybe all of it is true, I don't care much about it as I said once before that I write for myself first to enjoy my imagination and wanted to share a bit of it that's all, but my stories get more attention in another app and I was surprised... hmmm oh well I still haven't decided if I will stop publishing here or not, I will tell you next time... thanks for all those who read my stories till this far ♡ you are awesome ♡

Have a nice day♡♡♡

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