Chapter 8

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝕽 8:

I was running like my life depend on it, as I heard the footsteps of five guys following behind me while growling like animals. See I was not wrong they are animals after all.

"I swear to God when I catch you, I will feed you to the wolves." Ashlm yelled after me – oh sorry I mean Ashton – I giggled at that I still don't believe that's his name, I am sure he is wrong as I know better.

"I said slow down you bitch." Ashlm yelled and I heard a growl that shook me to the core and for some freaky reason! I know it's him who growled.


He scares me yet I am drown to him. My body yearns for him, his touch and that make me sick. I won't be like those sluts I have to hold myself better than that. And even that running after someone who don't give a fudged about you is just so lame, I don't know anything but I know for sure that he hates my guts especially after what I did 10 minutes ago. I giggled when I remembered his face. It was damn hilarious, if I wasn't at the end of the line I would be on the ground chocking to death by laughing my ass off.

You see our handsome guy the leader ship 'Damien' don't have any patience, I mean even Adrien has more patience and that coming from me is a big deal.

He couldn't help himself to tolerate my awesome self and my sarcasm.

And so next thing I know he was in front of me shocking me! like can you believe it!

I know I tend to be annoying like too much, but trying to kill me! What the fuck! We are humans with brains not a bunch of animals that lives in a jungle!

I don't know why, but I felt hurt by his actions like deeply. I felt my heart was going to explode from pain. And to save my ass from him I actually did something funny- to me at least.

Do you want to guess?!


Okay suit yourselves.{humph}-that means I am not happy with you people. -Anyway I spit right inside his left blue-hazel eye like in the middle. My aim was so good that I did a victory dance in front of them- he let me go because he was surprised, I think no one ever spit inside his beautiful eyes before. Well everything has a first right.

Ha he should be honored to have my holy spit then.

Anyway as all of them were shocked I took my chance and ran from them to the stairs but I was yanked before I can even escape! It was the fudging golden guy again!

No wait that's Adrian's title.

Whatever I saw him shacking in rage as his left eye is red and all. That actually made me laugh.

I felt pain in my arm that he caught and I looked at it to curse in 40 different languages.

Yeah I am that knowable.

Nah not really, I only know like 7 languages.

Anyway his hand his freaking hand turned into a claw and that get me screams like there is no tomorrow.

But guess what I was screaming about. I will give you a minute, come on.........I was screaming because I was right.

They are fucking animals and I start laughing like a maniac.

I told you my craziness reach another level when mom is not around. So you have been warned....Moreover the animal hot looking guy won't leave my hand as I felt him trying to crush it and I start screaming in pain this time, what is his problem?!

"Damien you fucking asshole let her go this instant!"

The white head girl screamed at him as I heard the guys pulling her back saying that this should happen and it's already accepted by everyone!

Who the hell they mean by everyone? Did the animals in this school planed this! I can't believe it! What have I ever done to anyone! Okay maybe I was a little annoying.... Okay maybe not little but still do you kill someone for that!!!! I don't know why but when I looked at his black eye's I know that it was done for me. But I don't go down without a fight bitch.

I brought my free hand and boxed him right in his nose, the damage to my hand was more than to his stupide nose but still I managed to draw blood out of that piece on the handsome face. What?! can you blame me, the guy is handsome sexy beast so shoot me. Moreover as he looked dazed and not believing that some girl hit him, I took my chance and I brought my leg up like trying to shoot a football but instead of shooting a ball I shoot his nuts.

I can't believe that I am doing favors for mother life and earth and in return I have their shit on me. Whatever. I didn't wait to see the look on the other's faces, his is more than enough for me.

I took my chance and ran away.

He was yelling curses after me as he roared at the others to follow me.

Therefore, here we are, with me running trying to get away from the animal guys... what are they Anyway?... yeah i mean it is impossible to be supernatural being we are in 21th century that shit was done in the middle ages! Moreover, I think my mind is doing shit of tricks on me I haven't slept that well the past few thoughts were interpreted when I felt them closing up on me and I start  freaking out, I am sure I am dead meat as soon as they catch me.

I wish they hit a wall or something and break their nose's in the process.

I saw it finally.

My heaven in this hellhole.

The infirmary.

I pushed my legs to go faster as they get right on behind me. I slide on the floor catching the door and opened it with a bang startling Clara as she looked at me with wide eyes.

"What the hell are you- she wasn't able to continue her scolding as I felt five bodies slam in to me making me kiss the ground.

"God I can't believe this." I strangled out as I tried to take in some breath. That's it, I am going to die suffocating.

"Oh my God how much do you weight!" I asked them gasping for needed air.

"Enough to kill you." I heard someone say from above me. I felt hurt by that, and I don't know why their hurtful words affect me this much.

I made it as if I didn't hear him and looked at Clara for help to see her standing with her mouth opened.

It reached the ground.

"Oh God, stop looking like a fish out of water  and help me women." I tried to scream to her and get her attention.

When she finally came back to her sense, she rushed to my aide. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝕽 𝖊𝖓𝖉.

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