Chapter 16

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝕽 16:

𝖉𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖊𝖓'𝕾 𝖕𝖔𝖛;

"Oh right.. I get a visit from the Moon Goddess." She said with a smile on her face with her white hair flying wildly as she said that sentence while we all stood frozen in place.


"What do you mean you got a visit? What kind of a visit? Wait why would she visit?"

"Shut up Ashton." We all yelled at him as he reopened his mouth to protest.

"Let Melina Explain idiot." Maxell yelled at him while hitting the back of his head.


I was growing impatient as they all get off topic.

"Melina explain." I said with authority in my voice that made their bickering end instantly.

Melina looked at me with mischievous in her eyes as she smiled my way her –chilling-to-the-bone-smile, I felt shivers run down my spine and I know that I will regret asking that question... forever.

"Well if you want to know the reason behind her highness visit you will have to agree on my conditions." She said with a grin attached to her face.

I growled at that, I know that it will not be good, this deal will be a disaster, yet I find myself unwillingly accepting it.

Well if it include my sister, I have to.

"Okay then here it is, last night Luna come and visit me in my vision obuvisoly and I know what you are thinking as she usually send visions and not come to talk herself but this time it is a different and important situation that might decide the future of the werewolves existence." She said with seriousness in her tone.

"What do you mean the future of our existence? Are we like going to be wiped out off earth?" Xavier asked with wide eyes as we wait for the answer.

"Well I don't know yet that was all she said about this matter. She said that if we make  stupide moves without thinking –she looked my way with narrowed eyes- then that will definitely happen."

"I still don't see how Eva is connected to all of this?" Erickson asked while he titled his head to the side in confusion.

"You said this matter. You talked about another thing?" Ashton asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh well to answer your questions you two...yes we talked and the other matter is about Eva ... I think."

"You think?!" I asked her, with a raised eyebrow.

"Mmm ... but I am not going to talk until you hear my conditions."

I sighed in annoyance at that.

"Enlighten me."

"Really it is simple nothing hard for you to say no to." She said the last part with a smirk.

I narrowed my eyes at her, I am sure I am not going to like what I am about to hear.

"As I was saying my conditions is, First: I am coming with you in this vocation and before you say no and start a turtmant, it is Luna's order." She smirked as she saw how I closed my mouth while grinding on my teeth in anger.

"FINE NEXT." I was trying to stop myself from phasing in to my wolf and kill someone.

"Don't worry the next one is a good one and have all the fun in it." She said with a giggle at the end.

"Second condition is... if you find your Mate you will accept her as your Luna Queen- NO I WILL FUCKING NOT, I WILL KILL HER.

"DO THAT AND THE GODESS HERSELF WILL KILL YOU." She yelled back in anger as we came face to face with blazing eyes.

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