✹twenty three✹

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╣what were lions to dragons╠

The stone of the walls burned together as Rhena tried to keep up with her good-father. Up stairs and down stairs and through the keep they traveled, finding the fastest way to the stables where their household was ready for them.

Rhena could hear the loud questioning of Lancel behind her and Kevan's soothing responses. It had always amused her how different the three Lannister siblings were. Tywin was cold and calculating while Kevan was warm and kind, yet firm. Genna was a mix of the two, having grown with them since her birth as the youngest child. They reminded her of Tywin's children and their different personalities and quirks and she hugged Tyrion closer to her.

When they arrived at the stables, each horse and carriage was loaded with Lannister finery. A white stallion caught Rhena's attention and as soon as Tyrion was settled in the carriage with Genna and the rest of the children, she made her way towards it.

"I would advise against that my dear." Genna called out from the carriage, eying her swollen belly with concern. "That is a lot harder while carrying a child with you." Tywin watched from a distance as Rhena's horse was saddled.

"I think I can manage." Rhena shot back confidently. She reached her leg to mount and found that she couldn't lift her leg farther than her knee.

"Do you need any help darling?" Genna teased from the carriage. "Or can you manage?" Rhena huffed and patted the horse in apology.

"Fine, I'm coming." She was quite upset that she wouldn't be able to ride for their journey to Casterly Rock and prayed to any god listening that the children and Cersei would not be a bother.

Tywin mounted the milky horse that Rhena had her eyes set on and his cloack fanned over its back in a pool of red. Rhena took a seat next to Tyrion in their wheelhouse while Cersei settled in across from her. Genna, Dorna, and their children were in a separate wheelhouse for they would be taking another road to Casterly Rock which stopped in the Riverlands. Genna wished for her children to stay behind at the Twins while the rest of their party traveld south for the summer.

"Tyrion, I hope you have enough books for the two of us on the journey back home." Rhena teased. The boy's nose was already buried into a large volume which looked to be about the laws of the Seven Kingdoms. He barely took his eyes off the pages to laugh at her jape before he was lost in the ink again.

Rhena sighed and turned hopefully to Cersei only to find her already curled up in soft furs and napping. The princess thought it best not to bother her for the sake of everyone in the carriage. Not being able to be with the one that you love is a terrible ordeal. Both Rhena and Cersei had experience in that area of life at least.

The wheelhouse rumbled as their party began their departure and Rhena settled into the soft cushions beneath her. "To the Rock with haste!" She heard Tywin's command and then Harrenhal was forgotten behind them, a lump of stone on the horizon.

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