✹forty one✹

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╣what is bothering me, is you╠

Ygritte cared not for Castle Black. She was forced to stay in Jon's rooms most of the day. They were large and warm so she didn't mind it that much. There was a secret door to the library where Jon's plump friend, she recalled his name to be Sam, taught her how to read when he had the time.

She had more food and comfort than she could remember having her entire life. But Ygritte still felt like a prisoner of sorts. Her crow had sent away all of the other fighting womenfolk to man a different castle which had been abandoned years ago.

"It's for their own safety." He had said one night when they lay together by the fire, naked beneath an assortment of messily woven blankets. "We need fighters but I do not want them raped or murdered before a threat even reaches us."

"And why wasn't I sent alongside my sisters?"

"Because I know you would skin a man before he ever thought to lay a hand on you. And I can protect you with far better ease."

She sent an elbow to his ribs and he grunted in pain. "I'll skin you before you do as well, you keep that in mind Jon Snow. And I can take care of myself."

Jon only wrapped his arms around her and whispered, "I know."

Ygritte sent another elbow to his groin this time. "You know nothing Jon Snow." His grip had only tightened as he smiled into her hair.

Though Jon has made no rules to follow during her 'imprisonment' he prefers that if she ever need go somewhere, she takes Ghost with her.

Most of the time, she would take the creaky box to the top of the wall. She tried not to go too often; Ghost didn't enjoy the height. Ygritte did. She loved the feeling of being so close to the clouds. She loved the thrill of dangling her feet over the edge, knowing that by one strong gust, she'd be falling to the ground with no hope of rescue.

Ghost would never stray too far from her side, but he never dared get as close to the edge as her. He would wait for her, further back as she tossed him scraps of meat from the day's lunch.

The solitude is what she enjoyed most about it. Solitude which was being broken by a swish of a red hem. "The cold doesn't seem to bother you."

Ygritte knew who it was by the accent and sweet kindness. No one but Jon had thought to treat her with kindness. She shifted to take in the Red Priestess in front of her. Her hair, so similar to Ygritte's own, whipped in the harsh wind. "Doesn't seem to bother you either." Ygritte sent a pointed look to the woman's cleavage. "But I would think twice about having your tits hanging out. They could fall off from the frost." She smirked. "Why would good King Stannis keep you in his council then?"

The woman's pleasant smile only grew. Ygritte cursed internally. She had been trying for weeks to get some sort of reaction out of the bitch. Nothing seemed to come close to phasing her. "King Stannis cares not for looks." She said pointedly, as if Ygritte was a child or a bug beneath her. "He knows that as a vessel for the Lord of Light, I am as valuable as his strongest warrior."

•𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖚𝖘𝖙 • Jaime Lannister OCWhere stories live. Discover now