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The next night, Rhena was again sitting on the plush chair in her sitting room, awaiting Jaime to escort her down the hall to his father's rooms. Though it was only a couple of steps down the hall, it was customary for Rhena to have an escort and Jaime was running late. Rhena set down her book and was about to march down to Jaime's chambers herself when a hurried knock sounded on her door. She opened it to reveal a disheveled Jaime, hair a mess, and eyes darting around.

"Rhea, I'm so sorry I'm late." He said, gently taking her hand in his and placing a kiss on her brow. "Your brother caught me in the hallway and offered congratulations and threats, as most brother's do. I hadn't realized it was so late-" Rhena cut him off by tugging him out of her room.

"It's ok Jaime." She insisted. "I just don't want to appear to be rude, especially to your father." Jaime chuckled and they started down the marble hallways, their destination just a little ways down. "Is he letting Tyrion sit in on this one?" She asked.

"Yes, even in private, he wants the whole family together, even the parts which he has no particular relation to, rather than blood." Rhena frowned. Tywin was a smart man, a cunning man, and currently she should have no reason to have any ill will towards him. Not since her discovery last night. But his treatment to his younger son was so unacceptable that she had often felt the need to give a strong lecture to the old lion. Not that it would matter anyways. Once her and Jaime were married, they would make sure that Tyrion was loved as he should be.

They stood outside the door and took one last moment for themselves, to straighten any piece of clothing or hair and to gather their wits for whatever Jaime's father would throw at them. Jaime knocked to announce his presence and then walked in. The Lannister's suite was a span of eleven different rooms put together. Three large bedrooms, a sitting room and solar for each, one large open room, and a dining room. The main room was empty at the moment, but she could hear the shuffling of clothing in the next room, a tell tale sign that the Lannister family was already seated, most likely staring at each other in discomfort. Family was not their strong point. The family name however...

Jaime led her though the red and gold room and when they entered the dining room, Tywin stood and gave his son a sour look. "You've brought her late Jaime." He said sternly. Rhena moved to sit next to little seven year old Tyrion who was reading a book under the table. He looked up when Rhena approached and a large smile spread across his face. She bent down and placed a kiss on his head and squealed him in a hug.

"Please don't blame him, My Lord." Rena urged with a playful smile. "He was caught up in a conversation with my brother and lost track of the time. Hopefully our tardiness hasn't angered anyone?" Tywin's lips turned up and he bowed.

"Not at all, Your Highness." He said. Rhena smiled and turned to Cersei.

"Good evening Lady Cersei." She said with a bright smile. Cersei did not match her enthusiasm and curtsied stiffly. "I love that dress, all the metal and embroidery, did you make it yourself?"

Cersei's lips thinned into a polite smile. "Thank you, Your Highness. I did the needle work, but the metal had to be done by the smith. I'm not much use with hammers and fire. Words and ideas however are my strong point." Rhena watched the older girl curiously. She wasn't sure how to take that comment, and only broke eye contact when Jaime ushered her into her chair next to Tyrion.

"Rhea, look at this new book I got!" The boy told her, energy barely contained. "I found it in a corner shelf in the library. It's about dragons!" Rhena smiled fondly. The boy had been obsessed with dragons for the better part of a year now. He'd even asked for one on his nameday, only for him to be told, quite harshly, by his father that they no longer flew the airs of Westeros. The poor child had retreated to his room for two whole days and didn't let anyone in but Rhena. When she was in there, they cuddled on his bed as he wallowed in sorrow for the old beasts.

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