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Graduation cannot come soon enough

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Graduation cannot come soon enough.

Although I love my major, I cannot wait until next year when I finally get to put it to good use instead of just sitting in a classroom all year and learning about it. Don't get me wrong I appreciate it but there comes a point where you are just too antsy to learn anything anymore and it is just repeated material over and over drilling it into our brains which I have got into my brain so deep I would be surprised if it was possible to leave my brain.

That all happened about two terms ago and now I just feel like this is a waste sitting here in a classroom when instead I could be out there in the real world fulfilling what brings me joy and I could finally maybe find that missing piece that is missing from my life.

One of the joys of coming to class though is seeing as it is at 8 am every Monday and Wednesday. The sleeping students who basically just moved from one bed to a less comfy one but they are still sleeping but the fun part is when Mrs. Miller calls on the random students who are completely not paying attention.

Which is the true highlight of my mornings well that and my Red Bulls which is what actually gets me out of bed because without it I would pretty much be a slug I hate mornings with a passion well scratch that I hate leaving the comfort of my bed with a passion the fact that it is so early in the morning just adds to my loathing of this time of day.

Once class is finally over I make my way over to my favorite coffee shop with my best friend Penelople to get some more energy in us because we are both in the same boat about just wanting to graduate already and that drains us of our energy but the good news is that once we get there we get to see our best friends.

Olivia and Ivy and Penelope we all live togther in a house we have off campus but its still close enough to walk onto campus which I love because even though I have a car I love walking everywhere not only for the exercise but college kids are completely stupid and so unaware of their surroundings.

Penelope is my best friend and we have known each other since freshman year which is when we were first paired up to room together because we both have the same major so we bonded from the start with our major and what things we imagined doing when we graduate.

Choosing HimМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя