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"So slut how many times did you fuck my boyfriend this weekend? Before he moaned my name instead of yours or one of his other hookups

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"So slut how many times did you fuck my boyfriend this weekend? Before he moaned my name instead of yours or one of his other hookups. Or did you think he was the only one? Huh?" I just continued walking. She wasn't worth the calories I burn talking to her. That name was also triggering and I needed to get out of here to avoid freaking out. "Hey bitch i'm talking to you respond or do I need Derek to make you pay attention. I mean it's okay we all know about each other we love to share but just not with you." As if you all probably gave each disease with how many dudes you go through.

"He wont do anything in case you are unaware but he's in New York." She laughed at me which I raised my eyebrows at.

"Oh he didn't tell you? Oh right you two have issues anyway he's been at my place and treating me well." I shivered at that. Disgusting.

"What, you can't have Asher so you go for another one of my brothers. That's just pathetic."

"I love him and he loves me. Sometime in the future we're gonna get married and have the entire fairytale."

"My god you are so gullible. He's using you when you see that. He's eight years older than you!"

"You are just jealous and wish you were me." Gross. Disgusting. Why would I even. Yuck.

"In your dreams sweet cheek. Maybe when we were younger but not anymore." That finally left her without a response which gave me enough time to high tail it out of there.

My breakaway didn't last long enough. I was about a hundred feet from here when one of her I dont even know what to call them fuck buddies cornered me.

"Hello Lexi. I heard you had an amazing weekend."

"Ugh. Can't you people just leave me alone!" This is just borderline stalking if anything "I don't even know your name why don't you go back to your friend. You two should get married. Y'all have a lot in common."

"Excuse you, how do you not know me? I'm the big man on campus and for your information the names Chad." I snorted because oh brother can't we leave the bitchiness in high school. We get it your time to shine was four years ago but some of us didn't care for you then and we especially don't know. How are they supposed to get and be successful at jobs with this mentality? If they don't learn then I hope they are either really good at hiding their personality or they are royally fucked.

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