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"Alexia, get your ass out here or I'm leaving you here alone and going exploring by myself

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"Alexia, get your ass out here or I'm leaving you here alone and going exploring by myself."

I know I shouldn't be yelling at her but she has started organizing my house and I know she cant help it but I want to do it for her and surprise her with my special idea of having her own space. If she continues going through the rooms she's going to find out about what I occupied my time with this last week.

Which was clearing out the room two rooms that are basically just guest rooms but I already have four other ones.

When I go to Charlotte in North Carolina tomorrow to play I'll be having people come over to destroy the wall barrier so I can start building her own room. It's going to be like a library but really it's just a comfy lounging area with lots of books surrounding it.

I know it's really early in our friendship that I hope will turn into a relationship but I just want to do something special for her.

While shopping for the rooms I got one of those huge comfy bean bags just sitting in my cart. It's huge like it can fit her and me comfortably on it and still have room.

I would buy it but I wouldn't know where to hide it while fixing up the room so for now I just have to sit and look at it.

While waiting for her to come so we can go I started looking around noticing my house was very much a bachelor lifestyle. I just needed someone to decorate it. I'll give them my card and everything. I have the worst style for designing. Anyone would be better than me.

Once another ten minutes had passed I wandered upstairs checking all the rooms because truthfully I had no clue where she was. She passed out in one of the guest rooms with a photo album on her face of me from ages twelve to fifteen.

She loves her sleep. Probably could sleep through anything.

Worst years. I don't mind her looking at them but she could have found an album less embarrassing. My mother gave it to me a couple years ago and thought I should have all of my albums to show my future wife or husband so she knows what she's getting herself into.

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