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On the way to his house to get shirts to change into for the game since he has the family team shirts instead of just the regular ones that you can get from the on campus store

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On the way to his house to get shirts to change into for the game since he has the family team shirts instead of just the regular ones that you can get from the on campus store. We first made a pit stop at a store to get some snacks. We got to talking about Liv, Pen, and Ivy and how they are starting to grow on the idea of Mason. "Should we invite them to the game so that I can win them over more? Or should we continue our date and just see them later so we can continue our date by watching soccer?" He said while pumping his eyebrows.

"Can we just continue on with our date and then we can see them later. Not that I don't like them but I just want to be with you right now." I said why grabbing some muddy bites to snack on at the game.

"Of course I want to spend time with you. I just didn't know since you brought your friends to the game last time if it was a tradition or some shit." He said why wrap his arm around my waist so we could continue walking. I've noticed that his love language is touch and it's endearing since he has to be connected to me in some way or another. "Also what are those? Just like the bottom half of the cone?" I nodded and went on to explain how they are the best part and sometimes you don't want to eat the ice cream and just want the bottom half.

At his house he got me one of his shirts which was really big on me which Mason was smirking at since it had his last name on it. But I just did the trick where you put the bottom half under your bra and made it look like it was for me and then we headed off to the game.

When we got there since it was still their preseason we could sit anywhere but once the season actually started the girls would get their seats reserved for family. Which is three seats for Mason, Brett, and Anthony since his family lives on the west coast and even though they want to come it's just not possible. So he's gonna request seven this year for my friends and I and even when we don't go they still have room for friends that aren't on the sports team which is like one or two other people.

Once we were seated down Mason handed me a program to get myself familiarized with the players while I was scanning through it noticing how many true freshmen there are who are starters. Then the sophomores and juniors and they all have excellent stats. This team is on paper a lot better than I thought, not that I thought that they would suck it's just that we were not ranked in the top 25.

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