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Now that it is now Saturday, which is Liv's birthday and also game day, we are first going to head to her favorite diner which is Michael's kitchen which is so delicious but dangerous because we could all just sit there all day and not notice beca...

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Now that it is now Saturday, which is Liv's birthday and also game day, we are first going to head to her favorite diner which is Michael's kitchen which is so delicious but dangerous because we could all just sit there all day and not notice because of the food. The most risque part is that it is a three minute walk from our apartment so we always make sure we go on the other side of the road so that the temptation to go in there and have a "quick" bite is diminished by having to cross the road which makes it easier but we can't always avoid the temptation.

Once we got in and got seated I swear Liv was possessed with high with just being in the building because of all the questions that started spewing out of her mouth the second we stepped into the building whether it be if I was going to get a hookup at the game, if she had the patience to unthread a shirt, or her most crazy idea that we should become friends with the entire team just to rub it into Derek's face because of the major asshole that he is. The most surprising part is we've only been in here for 10 minutes and have gone through probably 35 conversation topics like it is a tennis match.

"Hey.. Hey.. Guys, we should get merch at the game and make sure the asshole notices and so it angers him so much he gets suspended for a couple games. Now that would magically make my birthday comic gold and my wish come true. Ahhhh I can just imagine it now." Liv said while rubbing hands together with her plan that she just came up with. "DEREK MONROE SUSPENDED AFTER GOING BATSHIT CRAZY '' She said while moving her hands in a rainbow motion.

"Uh yeah as great as that sounds-" I said but she is starting to sound a little crazy right now.

Pen interrupted me "Liv... quick question is there vodka in that drink of yours?" she said, drawing out the "v" in her name.

"Wrong Pen the real question is why isnt there any in yours." Oh no she's drunk already and it is only 10 am this is going to be a crazy day. "Oh can we go clubbing?"

"Liv it's 10 am and you are already tipsy but if you are still up for it we can go after the game that way we are not drunk at the game and especially so we don't get kicked out." Ivy always has been the more reasonable one out of the three especially when it came to helping Liv calm down from her crazy ideas sometimes I question how she can focus enough to be in med school but from experience i've seen her have a completely different focus level in the classroom than she has at home its like a full 180 I find it hilarious.

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