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I know I should've gone to see her before I left for the break but I psyched myself out

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I know I should've gone to see her before I left for the break but I psyched myself out.

At least it was only a week unlike the last time I left town. I know it was stupid and boy did coach ridicule me about that every day. The man wasn't even there and still managed to give me a talking to about getting the girl. You'd think he would be busy, you know, since he's an MLS coach and married with children you know more important things to be focused on but no my love life is his top priority. The man is a wonder.

I mean whether it was opening my room to find he ordered food to my room with so many notes with ideas a couple times but mostly it was just yelling at me to get my shit together. Or him and Brett conspiring together to get my girl back which she never was mine so it's just getting her.

One of them got into my phone and switched their numbers. Bitches both of them.

I have been sitting outside of her house for a couple minutes now just waiting until I get the courage to see her but it's not working very well since she has sharks at her door. I'm surprised they haven't come out here and eaten me alive especially Olivia god knows she wouldn't hesitate.

I pretty much have been gone for a little over a month. If she wanted to just slam the door in my face I wouldn't judge her. Hell, I'd give her the door.

I was knocked out of my mind by pounding on my window to see Olivia there with a scary look on her face "Well well well look who finally showed up. So are you finally here to do good or are you just gonna leave here wondering all over again if it was her fault?"

Shit that's not what I meant when I told her to take time. I just need to explain everything to her and how I've resolved the problem. I just want her to trust that.

"Also where the hell have you been you said you'd check on her and last I knew you haven't texted her for two weeks what's up with that?"

"She wasn't responding anymore and I didnt want her to block me cause I text too much so I laid off." The amount of time I started a message to just delete it.

"She was still reading them." Damn I thought she put me on mute by how frequently I was texting her.  I damn would.

"Oh. I- Im sorry for upsetting your friend."

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