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After a weekend of waking up early I thought today I would be able to sleep in a little bit or somethin

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After a weekend of waking up early I thought today I would be able to sleep in a little bit or somethin. But no. My professor emailed us all at ten last night that class is starting an hour earlier so we can cover everything in this lesson today instead of spreading it out. Which should be illegal. Also that means by seven am I was seated in my chair for class.

Well almost I was outside the door with twenty other kids rushing with our coffee and energy drinks in hand. Mrs. Miller was not very happy about that but I can only do so much this early with coffee without it and you might as well tuck me back into bed.

I mean someone even spilled their drink due to lack of sleep.

Although someone gave them another one claiming they've already chugged five this morning. Which is first of all concerning but also very sweet.

She started clapping extremely loud to get your attention like we're five. I mean it's common , it's early and nobody wants to be here. Nobody is talking. She's just doing that for her own entertainment. "Alright class listen up today well be talking about public trust. You want to interact with them like volunteering, supporting their causes no matter their view." She said while I was writing down the notes in different colors trying to ignore the way people's alarms keep going off.

Pen was just sitting next to me looking like a goddess when she just rolled out of bed and brushed her hair. Like wtf that's so unfair. Literally the defitnion of messy bun while mine–which took ten minutes–looks like a rats nest and is tight as fuck. I need to take it out but I have too many hair ties in to even attempt that right now.

"Even if you dont support them just by making your presence known in the community is good, it'll show you are more than just your opinions and your face behind a computer screen. You can do a lot of damage behind a screen but if you own up to what you've said good or bad it'll put some humanity into you. Or not whatever you want. But recommendation: don't take the coward's way out; it'll hurt you in the long run." Make sure you have opinions but don't broadcast them no matter how drastically. Great except everything you do is an opinion.

To say this class could have started at eight is an understatement. She is going into great detail about the little things. Very nit picky this one. How does she know that she's probably as old as this building teaches things she learned three–well four generations ago considering the teachers age. News flash we've evolved since then in everything except her teaching skills. Mrs. Monotone.

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