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I woke up to groaning

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I woke up to groaning.

After a couple of seconds I started moaning.

I know Asher is here for the week and the game isn't all that serious and shit considering his team just won the national championship and all.

Why is the light on when I have lamps in my light?

So why is he waking up at who knows what time it is but what I do know is that the fucking sun is not even awake so why is he and even worse why am I? God, I'm gonna kill him. I sat up to confront him or something but I could feel a headache coming through so I lay back down. Add to my to do list kill Asher.

Just after this nap.

I groaned once my head hit the pillow again considering now I'll have to get up to get some medicine but cant get up since I need the medicine. This is just a full circle of disappointment.

"Asher for the love of god. Why the hell are you up so early? These are supposed to be more fun games and not so serious. So again why are you up at- wait what time is it?" I glanced at the clock and saw that it was only four thirty am. "Fucking hell Ash tell your coach to watch his back im gonna kill him." I could tell he was trying really hard not to laugh at me as he was heading out of my room while muttering a 'will do' "On your way back get me something to soothe this headache you've caused Asher." He rolled his eyes at me. "Also you've only been here for a day and you've created a mess so clean it up when you're back or you'll be sleeping on the couch." His eyes bugged and agreed immediately.

"Will do little sis. Anyways I've got to go so that I can not have my ass handed to me so-" He said while pointing towards the door and kissing me on my forehead. God sometimes I wished we just went to the same school. For one then I would not be woken up at god early hours. It's not the distance but his busy schedule but if he was in the same state we could eat lunch together like when we were younger.

Sixteen years ago

While sitting on the floor cutting out the magazines and organizing them to create them in my own order and with captions which totally didn't relate to them but it was fun to do and I can't wait until I'm older and we get to do them as a career. I was so invested in this I didn't even realize that Asher was running into my room and jumping on my bed.

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