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Hello friends! How are you feeling today? I hope you enjoy this story!

"I'm moving."


Velvet looked at his friend expectantly, waiting for the other to say something. He gazed in his eyes determinedly, but the taller avoided his gaze. Ant let out a sigh.

"My dad got a job in this area called the 'Dream SMP'. We're moving tomorrow." Ant said, fumbling with his paw.

"Tomorrow?!? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Velvet hissed loudly before being hushed by Ant.

"I didn't want to worry you. I wanted my last days to be normal, nothing special. You not knowing the dread makes it better." Ant whispered, clamping Velvet's hand between his. "I wanted to tell you as late as I could."

"You should've told me." Velvet insisted. "I would've made it more special."

"That's exactly what I don't want you to do!" Ant exclaimed. "I wanted it to be like it always was."

Velvet opened his mouth to protest but closed it when he saw that pleading twinkle in Ant's bright blue eyes. Velvet brought his other hand up and placed it on Ant's paw.

"So... you're really going away? I won't see you again?" Velvet said quietly. "Ever?"

"Probably. But maybe." Ant breathed in slowly. "Maybe we'll see each other again in the future."

"But what if we don't?" Velvet said shakily. Ant blinked in surprise when he saw tears appear in the shorter's eyes. "What if this is goodbye?"

"If fate wants us together, we will find each other again. If not, then we're meant to find someone else. Someone better. Don't cry Velvet. It'll all work out. " Ant said soothingly, catching the smaller who crouched down in sobs.

"What if fate doesn't want us to? I don't want anyone else!" Velvet clutched onto Ant's shirt desperately. "Please stay, I don't want to be alone." Ant sighed and crouched down with him. The two boys sat down on the grass in their front lawn, one crying and the other trying to comfort him.

"Aren't the stars pretty tonight?" Ant asked once his friend calmed down. "Red?" Ant looked down in his arms to see the other boy closing his eyes and mumbling under his breath. "What are you doing?"

"I'm wishing that you'll be fine in your new home." Velvet said, wiping his face with Ant's sleeve. They were now sitting on the grass, Ant's arms around Velvet with Velvet leaning on his chest.

"Aw, thanks Red." Ant said. "I don't know how I'll find a better friend than you."


That's what they were labelled.

But they both knew they were more than that.

"Ant, you will be okay, right?" Velvet asked.

"I mean, I won't have an idiot following me and always bugging me all the time anymore." Ant joked.

"Seriously Ant. You always used to get bullied at school for... y'know." Velvet said. Ant's breath hitched and he looked away.

Before they met, Ant was famous at the school for being a literal cat. Everyone would pick on him, tease him, exclude him, even the teachers. Until he met Velvet. Velvet was like a hyper guard dog, and would practically yell at anyone who even remotely bullied Ant. Soon enough, Ant was left alone, no one bothered him.

Except his guard dog of course.

"Dad says there are others like me there." Ant said. "He said I'll fit right it."

"What did he actually say?" Velvet asked, knowing Ant's father well. Ant hesitated before answering.

"'Everyone there's a freak like you.'" Ant murmured. Velvet sighed.

"You're not a freak, you know that right? You're the kindest, strongest and coolest person I know!" Velvet said, cupping Ant's face. Ant blushed lightly and batted him away.(Before someone fooking asks how Ant blushes with da fur, ...shut up)

"You're such a flirt." Ant said, looking away.

"And I know you love that about me." Velvet smirked.

"Shut up." Ant said, clearly flustered.

Velvet's smile slowly turned into a frown again. "It won't ever be like this again."

Ant turned to him. He frowned as well, sitting up. "Maybe it won't. Maybe it will." They sat in silence for a few more minutes before Ant glanced at his watch. "Shoot! My dad says we have to leave at 5 am, it's nearly 2!" He looked at Velvet. "Ready to go back?"

Velvet stood up silently, Ant watching him. He paused for a second before the shorter launched himself into Ant. Ant didn't move, frozen in shock.

"I'll miss you Anty." Velvet sobbed into his shoulder.

"I'll miss you too Red." Ant said, feeling his fur getting wet from his own tears too. "I'll think of you everyday."

"Promise me you'll be fine. You'll take care of yourself." Velvet whispered.

"Only if you promise me the same." Ant hugged him tighter.

"I'll see you again, somehow, someday. I can promise you that." Velvet shook violently.

"I'll be waiting for it." Ant agreed.

There was still so much left unsaid, so many thoughts racing both boy's minds. There were many, many things both boys wanted to say but it was all caught in their throats.

I won't forget you.

Please remember me.

Don't get hurt.

Make new friends.

Don't let your family faze you.

Don't let you dad scare you.

Stay safe.

Never change who you are.

Stay true to yourself.

You're perfect in every way.

I love you.

It was all left unsaid, but acted out through the sobs and hug.

So that was the prologue, kind of explaining their relationship and past. I hope you enjoyed it, and the next chapter should be out soon! (Also, just in case someone was confused, the italic letters are their thoughts) I hope all of you are taking care of yourself! -Cawot :3

What About Me? - A Velvetfrost & Eggpire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now