Chapter 3

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So, I saved this as a draft and I realize I didn't publish is lol so here's two chapters at once! :D Enjoy the chapter.

Velvet pushed aside the red vines growing from the ceiling in the way. He entered the room, waving goodbye to Puffy who waved back reluctantly.

The room was completely red, barely any other colour was seen. Red vines grew on the walls, ceiling and floor, making it hard to move around. There were more smaller vines dangling from the ceiling. All over the floor were small holes filled with lava with the occasional chunk of cobblestone. The only source of light were shroomlights planted here and there.

So yeah. It's red.

In the centre, was the figure of a cat sitting by a small lava pool. Velvet walked up to him and sat next to him.

"Hey." Velvet said.

"Hm." Ant replied. "Sorry for attacking you I guess."

"Oh-uh-it's nothing." Velvet stammered.

Ant snorted. "Why so shocked?"

"Oh, uh, didn't expect an apology from a participant of a blood thirsty empire." Velvet said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Ant laughed. "Blood thirsty?" His eyes went dark. "We're simply helping this egg. It said it'll show us to a better life."

Velvet smiled at him grimly. "Is that what it told you?"

"Look, I don't know you, stop acting like we're friends." Ant sighed.

Velvet stared at him, the sorrow feeling returning.

"You really don't remember me Anty?" Velvet asked quietly.

"No, and stop calling me that." Antfrost said, looking away from him.

They stayed quiet for a moment.

"Hey Antfrost?" Velvet said. When the other male didn't say anything, Velvet continued. "You may not remember me and I might not be your friend but you're still mine." Velvet stood up, the other watching him curiously. "And as your friend, it's my job to care for you."

"You can care for me by leaving me alone." Ant glared at him.

"No." Velvet said. "Well, yes. But I can also care for you by taking you out of this evil scheme and bringing you back to the way you used to be before all this." Velvet grinned at him. "When you were my friend."

Ant stared at him in shock for a few moments before sighing. "There's no way I can fight my way out of this situation, can I?"

"Absolutely not. I'll be coming back everyday and I'll drag you out. I'll see the true you again, somehow, someday. I can promise you that." Velvet said.

"I'll see you again, somehow, someday. I can promise you that."

"Hm. I doubt it." Ant said skeptically. "The egg is my life, you can't just pull me away from it. This is the true me, I don't know what you want but sure, tag along until you give up. It'll be amusing to watch."

"Ooh, so you like my company kitty~?" Velvet teased. Ant blushed but recomposed himself quickly.

"You wish idiot. Now tell me what I supposedly used to be like." Ant said, sitting back down. "When we were 'friends'."

"Wait really?" Velvet asked.

"Sure, love to hear all about your fantasies." Ant snorted. Velvet wasn't sure if he was serious or not but he loved the opportunity to rant about his best friend to another best friend.

"Okay then, I'd be more than happy to tell you all about it!" Velvet beamed, sitting down next to him again. "You were the sweetest, bravest, kindest person ever. You would get bullied at school and wouldn't care in the slightest bit. You would help me and care for me when my siblings got to me. You would hold me and tell me it's all alright." Velvet paused to glance at Antfrost who gave no reaction. So he continued. "You would still think your dad the best even after he hurt you. You weren't afraid of many things, especially not showing your own emotions. You were the responsible one out of the two of us and make sure I didn't get us in trouble and would be annoyed with me but you still cared for me and stuck by my side. You were always there, even when no one else was."

What About Me? - A Velvetfrost & Eggpire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now