Chapter 12

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Hello! Hope y'all are having a great day, thanks for the 500 reads! The last time I posted was 4 days ago(which I'd like to think is quite recent at least ._.) and I was thanking you all for 300 so thanks for getting me up by 200 since the last time! You're all helping me grow so quick, I appreciate it :> (Also I told one of my classmates about this book so he might be reading it this very second lol I'm dying-)

Sorry for not posting for 4 days but thanks for getting me to #1 in VelvetisCake :D (Also #2 in Eggpire a while ago, forgot to say-) Also, I realized I started to wander to Velvet and Eggpire instead of Velvet and Antfrost so this chapter I tried to have more Velvetfrost interaction.

Enjoy the chapter!

"Really?" Bad asked, prodding him to go. "Please tell, I'm worried for the little muffinhead."

Velvet blinked in surprise as the demon displayed only concern. He didn't expect for the leader of an egg cult to be so... sweet. Sensitive.

"He's healthy." Velvet started off slowly.

Bad nodded, gesturing for Velvet to continue.

"But...I believe he's thinking about doing something." Velvet said simply.

"What do you mean?" Bad asked nervously. "What do you think he's going to do?"

"I think..." Velvet breathed slowly. If he told Bad what he truly thought, things might go bad for him, Skeppy, Puffy, Sam, Quackity and everyone else who wants the Eggpire gone. So Velvet did some quick thinking. "I think he's going to join the Eggpire."

Bad stared at him in shock, thinking it over. Velvet sweat nervously, hoping the demon hybrid wouldn't be able to detect him lying. After what seemed like an eternity, Bad nodded his head, satisfied with the other's answer. Velvet let out a small breath of relief.

"You really think so?" Bad asked. Velvet didn't know if he was imagining it but he heard a tint of disappointment in his voice.

"I mean- yeah- I saw him reading a book on the legend of the Egg." Velvet said carefully. "Aren't you happy?"

Bad thought about it for a moment, his tail flipping back and forth thoughtfully. "No."

Velvet was taken aback. "No?" He echoed.

"I don't want him to join this, I don't want to even imagine his adorable face covered in blood, blood of a victim killed by him. It'd be... horrible. I'd be in more pain than I'd even been in." Bad grimaced.

"Wait what-" Velvet started.

"The egg is horrible and I know it. I want to run from it. It's grasp seems... weak on me now." Bad used his clawed hand for gestures. Velvet continued to stare at the demon, dumbfounded. "I know if I really try, I can push myself out of this hole, and bring Skeppy with me. Leave this life behind."

"I mean- yeah- you should totally do that-" Velvet stammered.

"But I don't want to leave my family. Antfrost, Ponk, Hannah, Punz, they're all a part of me. I can't leave them behind you know." Bad sighed. "Maybe...maybe I'll be like Puffy after. Be like you." He looked at Velvet who was still frozen in place. "You really think Skeppy will join the egg?"

Velvet shook his head, finding himself unable to speak.

"Oh...?" Bad said, a little sparkle of hope gleamed in his eyes. "Thanks Velvet." Bad said, placing a hand on Velvet's shoulder as he walked away. Velvet held his sack in one hand, the other hand clutching onto the nearby dresser because he felt as if he would topple over any second.

Bad, the first member and leader of the Eggpire hated the egg, and he wanted to leave with Skeppy.


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