Chapter 21

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Thanks for the reads at 1.8k, almost 2k! :D Thank y'all so much for giving me the opportunity to have this, y'all are too nice :> ily/p! <3 ^^

Ok, gotta admit I'm excited for this chapter, hopefully I write it well despite my trash skills LOL-

"What now?" Velvet asked quietly, sitting on a bench near the Badlands with Puffy in the dark.

"I don't know." Puffy whispered back.

Ponk and Sam had gone back to their house, tired. Quackity was still in the meeting and George and Wilbur were resting in their house.

"We still have to help Hannah soon." Velvet sighed. "But she doesn't seem to remember her own family."

"How do we help her remember her family though?" Puffy said, defeated.

"I don't even know." Velvet frowned.

Silence, the only movement at the moment being the gently flickering of the lampost next to the bench.

"We have to just somehow bring memories back from her family I guess." Velvet sighed.

"I figured that out, the question is how." Puffy snorted.

"Well, what's something that the egg can't possibly come up with as something besides the original memory?" Velvet asked. "Something family related."

"Her family..." Puffy said, eyes shot wide.

"What? No Hannah forgot her father so that doesn't make sense Puffy." Velvet said, confused.

"Yeah, because Hannah has memories of arguing and fighting Sam, so the egg got rid of all Sam memories but those, where they did not act like family. But Quackity and George... they visited her so little, and when they did, it was for the pure feeling of being family."

"But the egg might trick her into believing they're just her friends too." Velvet retorted.

"Yes, but I bet they would know about memories that would help." Puffy explained.

"Oh yeah, that might just work!"

"Yes, but we'd need George and Quackity to help with this." Puffy mused. After a moment, she spoke again. "I'll get Quackity, you don't really know where Las Nevadas is anyways. Meanwhile, you get George to come along."

"Alright, fair." Velvet shrugged. The two stood up.

"We'll meet back here, if I don't see you at noon tomorrow I'll come to find you. I hope you do the same for me." Puffy said, extending out her hand.

"Deal." Velvet shook her hand and they parted paths.

Velvet traveled back to the forest, looking for George and Wilbur's cabin. After about 15 minutes of looking, he came across the cabin.

Velvet walked to the door, knocking lightly.

"Come in, it's unlocked!" George called with a slight giggle. Velvet pushed the door open, seeing the kitchen counter littered with baking materials. The two wore matching aprons, covered in stains and powder. Flour was especially everywhere, even Wilbur and George's hair. The two were tossing flour back at forth at each other when they noticed who their guest was.

"Velvet!" George gasped happily, his heterochromic(Did I spell that correct? Wattpad says it's wrong but I'm pretty sure it's right- but idk) eyes shining brightly. George walked over to him. "How are you?"

"Doing okay George." Velvet grinned back. "How 'bout you?"

"Pretty good, considering I was abducted by my old friend who listens to an egg just like 2 days ago." George smiled. In a hushed whisper, he added. "Wilbur's been really protective ever since."

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