Chapter 20

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Hi everyone! I hope you're having a great day/night so far :>

Thanks everyone for all the reads, votes, comments you've been giving me lately, I know I say this every chapter but it really means so much to me, I love you all so much/p thank you ^^ I wish you the best :)

I'm trying to post everyday for you guys, and I realized if I keep this up,  I'll be finishing this on February 2nd :D

That's pretty cool-

Bc that's one day before my birthday-

Anyways, onto the story :D(Just saying, it's not an exact continue from the last chapter)

George and Wilbur had gone back to their cabin. As soon as they were back, the others were relieved as heck, Ponk and Sam checking him urgently for injuries. George assured them he was fine as he went to his room, feeling tired and going to sleep, Wilbur going with him. (Ahhh just a little bit of Georgebur <3) Meanwhile, the others' began preparing their next steps.

"So, assuming your hunch is correct." Sam started, gesturing to Puffy and Velvet. "What's our next move?"

"Free the Eggpire members of course." Velvet said.

"Yeah, but what do we do right now?" Sam elaborated. "Like, who and how right now?"

"Ohhhh, yeah that makes a much better question that makes more idea yeah-" Velvet said.

"Why would I ask them that-" Sam said, confused.

"I mean, Quackity did say you were dumb..." Velvet muttered, clearly trying to hide his smirks.

"No, no I didn't-" Quackity said, trying to defend himself.

"Yes you did, I heard it you." Sam sighed.

"Well, in my defense-" Quackity started.

"MOVING ON." Puffy cleared her throat loudly, getting everyone's attention. "We should make a list on who to help first, from who we think would be easier to help and work our way up. Sounds good?" The other's nodded.

"Puffy here, actually working and carrying." Velvet said, pointing at her and clapping sarcastically.

"Yes, I actually am Velvet now we're moving on." Puffy rolled her eyes playfully. "Now, who to help first?"

The five stayed silent for a moment.

"None of them'll be easy." Quackity muttered.

"Well said." Velvet sighed.

"We can't do Bad or Skeppy yet, they'll be the hardest seeing as they're completely corrupted." Sam said. Ponk scooted his chair back, grabbing a sheet of paper and pen from the kitchen counter. He plopped it on the table, noting it down. "We'd be lucky to even be able to free them at all in the end."

"I have no idea about Punz, plus I really don't want to deal with him and I don't think he likes me at all..." Velvet said.

"True, we can handle him I don't think he'd want to see you." Quackity said. Velvet nodded sadly.

"Why he's like that I don't understand." Velvet mumbled. "I never did anything to him as far as I know."

"Eh, we'll figure it out." Puffy shrugged. Ponk wrote his name under Bad and Skeppy.

"What about Antfrost?" Ponk butted in. "We know his wish."

"Wait. We do?" Velvet tilted his head.

"I mean yeah. He wants his friend back, he used to talk about it a lot." Ponk explained. Then, he tilted his head. "Actually, he stopped talking about it when you showed back up." Ponk said, looking Velvet up and down.

What About Me? - A Velvetfrost & Eggpire Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن