Chapter 26

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Hi! How are you guys?

So, idk how many of you saw my announcement but-

Chapter got deleted :/

So there was no chapter yesterday unfortunately, I know I promised one but Wattpad was being stupid so-

Sorry :(

Thanks for the sympathy from you guys though in my feed, it was all really nice, I don't know how I got such kind readers :)

Also, warm welcome back to TheoneWithalongname who a) was sick and b) got grounded but now they're back! Glad to see you again ^^

Woah, 2.7k views... awesome :D

Let's start with the chapter now!

"Woah, so... you told Antfrost you hated him?" Puffy said, shocked.

"Well, yeah." Velvet sighed, looking at his feet. "But I didn't mean it, I was just... upset."

"And he said he hated you back?" Puffy asked, slower.

Velvet simply sighed again in response.

"Hm. So you're in deep poop." Puffy said, sympathetically. She patted his back gingerly.

"Yeah, basically." Velvet said, deflated. "I don't know what to do now."

"Well, you could apologize." Puffy suggested. "Get him to like you again somehow?"

"Here's the problem..." Velvet started. "I don't know what I want..."

"You don't know if you still want him to love you?" Puffy tilted her head.

"I don't... I don't know why I want Antfrost to love me anymore. I don't know why I love him. He's so different now, I hate him, and every time I think he's changing, he goes back to being a piece of trash." Velvet slumped, frustrated.

"So... you feel like you have no reason to love him, that's it?" Puffy tilted her head.

"Not anymore, no. He's a brat now." Velvet chuckled bitterly.

"Well, maybe you're attached to what he was like in the past." Puffy said. "Maybe... you see too much of the old Antfrost to be able to fully process and judge the present one."

"The old Antfrost?" Velvet echoed.

"The one before the egg." Puffy explained.

"Oh." Velvet twiddled his thumbs. "Maybe. I loved him."

"That's probably it then. You want him back."

Velvet looked up at her. "Probably." He mumbled.


"What was he like?" Puffy asked.


"Antfrost." She elaborated. "What was he like before the egg? Like, what was he like that made you fall in love with him?"

"He was... the best friend I could've asked for. Kind, sympathetic, soft-"

"You say the same thing every time." Puffy interrupted. "I want you to think about exactly why he means so much to you."

Velvet looked at her, slowly understanding. "I suppose... I like him because of the good memories I have of him. Just the two of us. Together. Just us."

"So, think about those memories for a second, will you?"


"Trust me. Just think about it."

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