Chapter 19

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Hiya! How are all of you?

Thank you for your support, you are helping me grow by 100 reads everyday, thank you so much! I know that it's not actually that much if you really think about but it's way more than enough for me ^^ Thank you everyone, I love you!

Also, (quick TW: B!00d, skip this paragraph if you're sensitive)story time: I was in french class and my head got itchy, so I brought my finger up to scratch it and it felt weird, I looked at my finger and it was covered in b!00d, is that um, normal? Probably not-

Anyways, ignore that, onto the story.

"Ponk...?" Velvet asked cautiously.

"Hm?" Ponk asked, pulling away from Sam to adjust his sleeve.

"Do you... feel good?"

"I feel better than I did for a long time, I got to reunite with Sam." Ponk grinned, booping the taller on the nose gently.

"Why aren't you going with Ant to the egg meeting?" Quackity blurted out, clearly having the same thought as Velvet.

"Hm? Oh I heard the egg, but eh, seemed unrelevant." Ponk said, still fumbling with his sleeve. "Ugh, just unravel already you stupid piece of fabric!"

"Ponk, you're not going to find the egg?" Velvet asked.

"Nah, why would I? What need do I have for the egg now?" Ponk said, finally fixing his sleeve.

"You used to be obsessed with it." Sam said slowly.

"Yeah, but it can't do me anything now can it? Pretty useless." Ponk said. "Pretty weak."

"...what?" Velvet was perplexed, thinking it all over. "Wait, Ponk, tell us your full opinions ont he egg right now."

"Tell you what about it?" Ponk asked, looking at him with a confused expression.

"...any thoughts you have, what do you think about it?" Velvet elaborated, the others catching on to what he wants to do.

"Well, it's stupid. Grants wishes but I can fulfill those wishes by myself, it just used me and I have no real purpose with it." Ponk paused and continued. "Actually... it's quite evil. It sucks, it just treated me meanly and made me do things that was mean to other people. Sorry by the way." Ponk added, shooting them a quick apologetic glance. "It sucks, it's useless, it's a liar, it manipulates and it's mean. Huh. Didn't realize I hated it that much. That's a bit strange. That enough information for you Velvet?"

"Yeah..." Velvet mumbled, thinking it over again.

Puffy said that the egg was useless to her after a while, just like what Ponk's describing.

Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo said that she was rude but when she met other people besides Eggpire people she started to change.

Puffy had no friends when she joined, she probably wanted friends.

Maybe her wish was for friends then...

Then there was Bad, who probably forgot Skeppy because of the egg's tampering

He also talked about feeling the egg was useless as he began to remember Skeppy more, breaking through the egg's trace before he went back.

Obviously Bad's wish was to have Skeppy back...

But the egg made him forget Skeppy? Of course, Bad got his wish but the egg won't let him go so easily... so the egg made him forget his wish...

The same thing must've happened with Ponk.

What About Me? - A Velvetfrost & Eggpire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now