Chapter 4

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So for this chapter, I'd like to clear up a few things because I changed it from the main plot:

When Skeppy was off on vacation, that was when Bad fell for the egg. Skeppy wasn't thrilled to see that his beloved was so dedicated to this omelette, and of course, like Ant, Bad doesn't really remember Skeppy. He sort of does, but not completely so Skeppy just followed the Eggpire around in attempt to free Bad from the egg just like Velvet. So, he didn't get infected basically. Puffy and Skeppy don't really get along due to before when Skeppy thought she was trying to steal Bad from him so that's why Puffy didn't really think about him at first, she's not dumb,  they just haven't talked for a long time

Okay, that explanation was long but without further ado, here's this chapter :D (SPOILER: Skephalo my beloved is returning <3)

"Skeppy? That's a stupid name." Velvet said.

"He never really had parents, he made his own name." Puffy shrugged. "He's a human with diamond DNA merged into his code. He doesn't like showing his face so he keeps a blue box with a derp face drawn onto it over his head with new people, or outside of the mansion."

"So...what's his story?" Velvet asked.

"He was Bad's friend, lover, call it whatever you want." Puffy said. "Anyways, Skeppy left for vacation with the iDot squad and when he returned, Bad was corrupted. Bad didn't remember Skeppy either, so just like you, Skeppy resorted to clinging by him. He was also the flirty type. Actually, come to think of it, you two might get a long pretty well."

"So he's been with the Eggpire and Bad for how long exactly?" Velvet began packing his things.

"14 months." Puffy counted. "You planning on meeting with him?"

"Yeah." Velvet said, slinging his backpack over his shoulders. "Where can I find him?"

"I'll show you." Puffy said, standing up and grabbing her things too.

"No, it's okay, you don't have to, I know it's late." Velvet said, shaking his hands.

"I'm coming. I haven't visited him for a while anyways. It'll be nice to see an old friend." Puffy grinned. Velvet smiled back.

"Alright. Lead the way." Velvet said.

They went to the edge of the Badlands, close to Eggpire territory. From here, Velvet could see a large house made of marble. It was beautiful and magnificent. It had a large front yard made of obsidian and a bed of flowers.

And it was completely covered in red vines.

"What's that?" Velvet asked, realizing Puffy was walking towards it.

"Bad and Skeppy's mansion." Puffy replied, not missing a beat. "The egg is in their basement. Remember what Ant's house looked like?" Velvet nodded. "Basically, it's designed after their basement."

"Oh. So this is like their lair?" Velvet said, following Puffy through the front yard over the obsidian bridge.

"Yeah, but Skeppy prefers to live on the top level, away from the egg but close enough to see Bad a lot. We'll find him here, probably playing a game with Bad." Puffy knocked on the door.

They waited for a few moments before the door opened, a girl with brown wavy hair, flowers weaved through her hair and through her pink dress appeared in front of them.

"Hi Puffy!" She said cheerfully but bitterness crept into her voice.

"Hannah." Puffy said, her voice monotone. "We're here to see Skeppy."

"Oh." Hannah said. "Second floor, their library. I think he's playing chess with Bad right now."

"Alright, thank you." Puffy pushed pass her with no particular gentleness. Hannah regarded Velvet with an expression he couldn't decipher and walked away.

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