Chapter 23

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Ayyyy I'm back!

Thanks for the support, the reads, the votes, the comments, adding this story in your reading lists and everything in between! Love you all! <3

I won't say anything else because I know you guys want the chapter lol-

"What was that?" Puffy cried, startled at the loud sound.

But Velvet recognized it.

"That was the egg room's door." Velvet said, eyes slowly going wide. "When I opened it, it made the exact same noise."

"Something's happening now." Hannah said shakily.

"How do  you know? Your eyes aren't red..." Velvet tilted his head, questioningly.

"The egg... it's still inside us." Ponk said, speaking up. "When you escape, it's still there for a bit but it leaves after a bit."

"The egg... it's calling for us to go to it." Hannah said, closing her eyes to listen. "It wants us to go to it and..." Her eyes went wide.

"What?" Quackity prodded.

"It wants us to crack it again." Hannah said. "It realized it can control us completely, so it's calling them to crack open the egg!" Hannah said, breathing quicker.

"You're kidding." Velvet said, exasperated. "We just got you out, it can't start bringing the other's deeper in now!"

"It's too late." Hannah said. "The command is done. But... you might still make it there to stop them from cracking open the egg."

"Right." Puffy said determined. "Velvet, Quackity, let's go." Puffy said, nodding at the two. "Sam, take care of Hannah, I think she's having a panic attack." Puffy spared a worried glance at the brunette who was hyperventilating. "Ponk, take George back to Wilbur before he gets a panic attack."

"What? No, I'm coming with you." George said firmly.

"George, I promised Wilbur you'd be okay-" Velvet started.

"And? I'll be fine, I'm coming." George stated again, staying away from Ponk. Puffy sighed, nodding.

"Alright, you can come. Ponk, you too if you want." Puffy said.

"I'd rather stay here. The memories still hurt." Ponk said simply. Puffy nodded, leading the four of them through the mansion again to the egg room, with the aid of Velvet's instructions.

"Over here!" Velvet yelled, running in front of the group, turning to the right where the egg room was.

Inside the room, was the egg, looking as if it was glowing red.

Next to the egg stood two figures, each holding a pickaxe.

Ant and Punz.

"NO!" Velvet yelled. Before he could do anything else, an arrow whizzed past him, perfectly hitting Ant's hoodie and pinning him to the wall without touching the cat. Velvet looked back at George, who was holding the bow, determined. George grinned at him, Velvet sighing in relief.

Meanwhile, Ant was struggling to escape from the arrow as Punz turning around, trying to process what happened. Velvet saw the red in his eyes glitch in confusion to a bright blue before turning into a steady red again.

George shot another arrow, aiming at Punz who switched to his sword to fight them instead. The four ran towards the other two.

"Okay, we'll just grab them and figure out what to do from there." Puffy yelled out to the others who took out their swords, doing the same as Puffy.

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