Chapter 27

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Hey guys! Hope you're having a great day :)

Also, guys, read aurxlian, TheoneWithalongname, TubbosStrawberry, SoulWasTakenWgf(They have only 1 English book but it's still good :>) and Tommyinnitlover2021's books because they are all so nice and overall amazing people, they write great and books and are all very underrated, GO READ THEIR BOOKS-


Oh man, this book is finishing up soon...pog ig? Idk-

Ok, chapter now :>

"So. What do we do now?" Velvet asked Puffy. "How can we free Antfrost?"

"Quackity texted me earlier, he did more research on the egg and full control." Puffy said.

"Wait, when?"

"When you were reminiscing, you took a long time idiot." Puffy snickered.

"Whatever, what happened?" Velvet rolled his eyes.

"So, some of us can resist the egg if we're not too desperate for our wish okay?" Puffy started.

"Or we don't have a wish."

"Everyone has a secret desire Velvet." Puffy said in a way that sent shivers down Velvet's spine. "Anyways, you know how the egg was doing the pumping thing?" Velvet nodded. "That was it injecting itself into it's victim. But." Puffy paused. "Like a needle, it needs a incision to be able to inject something."

"So... wait, how does this have anything related...?" Velvet tilted his question.

"I'm getting there, shush." Puffy said. "Apparently, how it works, the vine claw that clamps the chest creates a small incision. The incision then sends a small bit of 'poison',  into the heart, intensifying their deepest desire. It then creates vessels from their heart to the clamp, where it can then..."

"Pump it straight to the heart..." Velvet mumbled slowly, sad.

"But. It might mean that you can... heal him." Puffy said, noting the way Velvet looked up, eyes filled with hope. "Think about it, it hypnotizes completely by just drawing out their greatest desire and amplifying it. So if you can give them their greatest desire, well, it might just work again. It'll just be harder because the egg will detect you trying to do it 24/7 now."

"'re right!" Velvet said, smiling.

"I mean, I'm always right but thank Quackity, he helped me realize it." Puffy grinned.

"Man, how did Quackity find out these kind of stuff about the egg...?" Velvet asked.

"I don't even know, I ask him sometimes and he just goes 'I do science'. It's rather disturbing actually than comforting." Puffy half-sighed, half-snorted. "But that's Quackity for you."

"Very interesting person." Velvet agreed. "Not that I'm complaining."

"He's quite smart actually." Puffy said, before rolling her eyes. "When he's not being an idiot that is."

"No wonder Sam chose him to torture Dream.(Idk, we're pretending that's what happened k guys-)" Velvet nodded along. "He would have some very effective strategies I would presume."

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