Chapter 25

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Hey guys! I hope you're all good :)

Sorry again for yesterday, I don't even have a good excuse for posting a short chapter that's mostly AN, sorry, I'm a horrible writer I know :( You guys deserved better, I'm so sorry

Also, yeah, 'bout the *ahem* situation from yesterday, thanks for the assurances that I'm not crazy, but yeah I'm taking a couple of your advices and I'm just going to ignore them to the best of my abilities, I can keep you guys updated if you want ;) Btw, sorry, I reread that AN and it's very cringe and it makes me sound desperate for validation- it wasn't meant that way sorry-

Thanks for the 2.5K reads and 200+ votes! This is a lot, thank you so much for getting me this far, love you!/p

Ok, let's go to the chapter now :D(Skip ahead a little bit if you read the original already)

"What are you doing here?" Ant asked again. Velvet turned around to look at him.

"Seriously Anty? I expected some other form of response than that kitten." Velvet sighed dramatically, staring at his former lover's red eyes, expecting to see a hint of the ocean blue his eyes once were.

He found none.

"What are you doing here?" Ant asked once more, not falling into Velvet's trap.

"Is that the only words you know?" Velvet spat it out more roughly than he expected.

Ant stayed silent for a moment, glowering at him. "It's protocol, direct orders from the egg." Ant said sternly, in a voice that Velvet thought didn't match his cute face. "So I'll ask you again; what. Are. You. Doing. Here."

"Just looking around, came here out of force of habit but now just checking around, interesting things here. Besides, didn't really have anywhere else to go, here seemed like the best place." Velvet shrugged, brushing a hand over a photo of the early Eggpire family. He smiled softly.

"So what you're saying is... you feel more comfortable... close to the egg?" Ant said thoughtfully, tabbing his chin lightly with his paw. "Well... the egg finds that rather... appealing to say the last."

"Well, I mean." Velvet paused. "I like the people here." Velvet decided.

"Hm." Ant cocked his head slightly.

"It's been quieter though now." Velvet chuckled, bitterly.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, Bad's not running around making his schemes right now." Ant shrugged.

Not what I meant but okay. Velvet thought. "Why is that?" He asked instead.

"Well, ever since he killed Skeppy he's been like that." Ant said, checking his claws casually.

"Oh, yeah, that- wait... KILLED SKEPPY?" Velvet yelled, shocked.

"Yeah, yeah, they got into an argument of sorts and he shoved him into a nearby pool of lava." Ant said casually. "Watched the whole thing."

"WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!?" Velvet said, still in shock.

"This morning." Ant looked up at him, eyes scanning him. "You seem... shocked. In distress even. Why is that?"


"Well, why should I care?" Antfrost shrugged.


"Hm, I don't consider myself close to Bad. Acquainted sure but close? I don't think so." Ant said skeptically.

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