Chapter 15

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Also I have a break from school so posting this a bit earlier yay :D

Okay, we're moving on, my intros suck lately anyways. Also this chapter will probably also suck but here we go-

"Well? What is it?" Puffy asked, sitting down.

"You know about Velvet's original plan? To crack the egg?" Quackity started.

"Oh yeah, about that, the other day I went over and the egg let me close to it, it patted me too." Velvet interrupted. "We can execute the plan now."

"Oh really? That's great!" Puffy said happily. "Maybe we can free them all tomorrow and problem solved!"

"Yeah!" Velvet grinned. "Sorry Quackity, what were you talking about?"

"I-" Quackity paused. "Wait you made me forgot." Quackity groaned. "Shoot, it was really important! UGHHHH."

"Well, hopefully it'll come back." Sam sighed, slightly disappointed.

"Wait wait wait, let me think." Quackity took out a notebook, flipping through the pages rapidly. "Just wait, I'll find it soon."

"Oh yeah!" Velvet said suddenly, remembering something important. "Bad wants out of the egg!"

"Wait really?" Sam said, shocked. Velvet blinked in surprise for a moment, shocked that Sam had the biggest reaction.

"Yeah, I talked to him about it and he says he wants to run free, away from the egg and the only thing holding him there is he doesn't want to leave his friends behind!" Velvet said excitedly. "So he's considering being like you Puffy, staying to try to save everyone else!"

"This is great news, Bad's the leader of the egg and probably the most maniacal, so if we get him on our side, he can help us a lot I think." Sam stated. He smiled lightly. "Finally can have a friend back."

"Huh?" Velvet said, confused. "Oh yeah, you were friends with everyone in the Eggpire."

"Bad was probably my closest friend." Sam sighed. "Unfortunate that he went crazy. Do you really think with him we can free everyone else?"

"I do think so." Puffy said sympathetically. "You'll get your family back."

"Even...would he even forgive me?" Sam said quietly.

"Wait, 'he'?" Velvet tilted his head.

"Ponk." Puffy said for Sam.

"Wait...wait! YOU'RE PONK'S HUSBAND?" Velvet said, eyes wide.

"Yeah, Ponk's my 'mother'." Quackity said absent-mindedly, still flipping through the book.

"WHAT." Velvet yelled again.

"Yeah." Sam shrugged.

"That- Ponk is annoyed with you." Velvet said instead. "But he still loves you."

"How do you know?" Sam asked.

"Had a talk with him, he's nice. He feels you don't value him though." Velvet explained. Sam looked away sheepishly.

"Maybe that was true." Sam sighed. "I know better now."

"So wait, Velvet you think that Bad'll actually leave?" Puffy asked again.

"He seemed to really want to when I talked about, he seems fully aware of how bad it is. I think he freed himself from it!" Velvet nodded.

"Which proves Skeppy's tactic was actually functional." Puffy smiled. "Velvet, you could actually free Ant with staying around him!"

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