Chapter 2

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I just realized that some people actually read this so thank you, it made my day and I really thought no one would read this. ^w^ I hope you all are having a wonderful day and enjoy! :D

"Excuse me?" Puffy blinked, shocked.

"That's Antfrost." Velvet said again.

"How do you know my name?" Ant suddenly spoke up, glaring at Velvet. The other members of the Eggpire also stared at him suspiciously. "Who are you?"

"I'm Velvet." Velvet said, feeling more confident. He ignored the part of his heart that ached that Antfrost couldn't recognize him. "How'd you end up here?"

"How do you know my name?" Ant asked again, his tail swishing threateningly.

"Ant, it's me. Velvet. Red." Velvet repeated, smiling. "Remember?"

Ant stared down at him for a bit longer. Velvet waited for him to light up with recognition, excited to chat with his old friend.

"I never met a 'Velvet'." Ant said coldly. "Who are you?"

That was when Velvet's heart shattered.

"You-you don't remember me?" Velvet stammered. He attempted to blink away the tears that were gathering in his eyes. "We were friends."

"I doubt you were important then." Ant said blankly. "Bad, can we go back yet?"

"Sure, nothing interesting it seems." Bad said dryly. "Have fun Puffy, we'll see you again soon!" With that, the Eggpire disappeared once more.

"WAIT! COME BACK!" Velvet yelled, a second too late. They were gone. "No...don't leave me again...please..."

Velvet knelt down on the floor, shaking. What just happened? Antfrost, his friend, his crush, from when they were younger just said he had no memory of him. They were best friends, saw each other during school, met after school to play, and even snuck out at night to talk to each other. They spent so much time together and went through so many things. Velvet's happiest memories of his childhood was filled with his face.

And Antfrost forgot about him.


Velvet felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at Puffy who was looking at him with concerned eyes. "Are you okay?"

Velvet used his hoodie sleeve and wiped his face. "Not really." He chuckled. She frowned.

"Wanna talk about it?"

Velvet stared at the ground. "In a bit."

Puffy helped him back to the bench they were sitting on earlier. She took out a notepad and began scribbling down using a ball point pen. Meanwhile, Velvet took his backpack with his belongings and took out a box. Inside the box was a pair of old headphones. They were white and the edges were ripped, but they were still usable. Antfrost gifted it to him when no one remembered his birthday.

Velvet sighed and took the headphones out. He closed the box and tucked it back in his bag. Shaking, he put them on and attached them to his headphones, listening to a playlist he made years ago with Antfrost's favorite songs.

A few songs passed before Velvet noticed Puffy checking his iPod. "Y'know, Antfrost really likes that song."

"I know. I introduced it to him."

"You really knew him?" Puffy asked. "How?"

"He was that friend I talked about earlier. The one that moved away." Velvet said sorrowfully.

"Wait, him? Antfrost?" Puffy put a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah." Velvet sighed. "He doesn't remember our relationship like I do I guess."

What About Me? - A Velvetfrost & Eggpire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now