R&R Pt 1.

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Authors Notes: Our second all original chapter! It feels like the last two have been nothing but gut punches, and you know there's always a calm before the storm

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Authors Notes: Our second all original chapter! It feels like the last two have been nothing but gut punches, and you know there's always a calm before the storm. So... Let's enjoy this light-hearted chap~ Though on a quick aside, one thing that's always bugged me with Tokyo Revengers is how little we actually get to see or understand whats going on with the Takemichi of 2005, so here's my attempt to explain just how 2017 Takemichi can just step into his past self's body and mess with his past/life, yet both affect his past self... while said past self seems to be unaware to an extent on whats going on. Whether or not I did good... Well... ;w; You decide.

July 16, 2005 Meiko

Laying off her bed with her legs crisscrossed leaning on her bed, dressed in her nightclothes of simple blue flower print shorts and a Flatwoods monster T-shirt and a Tanuki plush on her stomach. Meiko boredly stared up at her Television screen upside down, flipping through the channels idly. Beside her sat Yayoi, dressed in her own nightclothes of a simple oversized checkered green button-up shirt, painting her nails two different colors of dark blue and violet on the floor next to her.

"So... is Takemichi-kun staying at Atsushi-kun's house?"

"... Yep."

"He's been acting pretty strange recently.... again... Did something happen?" Yayoi curiously asked as Meiko sighed, closing her eyes.

"You could... say that."

Pausing mid-coating, she turned to look at Meiko. "... Do you want to talk about it?"

Rolling into her stomach, Meiko pouted as she glared up at her bookshelf. "...I dunno." She mumbled, as her friend moved her nail polish to the side to shift her full attention to Meiko.

"Come on. Maybe I can help?"

"You don't even like Michi." Meiko rebutted, raising a brow.

"Ah, but I don't dislike him either. He's like... bread to me."


"Yes, like... that simple cheap kind. You know, the one you have to slather a lot of jam or butter on or toast just right to stomach it. Not bad but not good either."

"...." Giving her red-haired friend a confused look Meiko muttered, "Just what sort of bread have you been having?"

"My point is, while I don't necessarily care for that 'sweet' little brother of yours, I don't necessarily not care either, especially since he matters to you." Yayoi explained blushing, "So..."

Snickering at her friend's obvious awkward attempt to support her, Meiko hummed to herself. "I see... okay, it all started..."

July 11, 2005 Meiko

Watching her brother drag himself to their kitchen table, Meiko watched as Takemichi moaned and groaned as he rubbed his sore head. "Good morning sleepy head~"

Butterfly kisses and Flower petal wishesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin