Recover Pt. 2

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Authors note: First of all HOW DARE!! Second. Mikey... Meiko... stop being so damn sweet when I write moments for ya! You 2 are gonna either drain my blood sugar too damn low or shoot it too damn high!! The readers don't need me to OD on your romance! Then how would I write more? Anyway, please enjoy the chapter and let me know what ya guys think~

August 1st, 2005 Meiko

"Do you mind keeping an eye on him for me while I'm out?" Meiko asked Akkun, as the other boys had already entered the Hanagaki household and were removing their shoes. "He's been... A bit off since the whole Moebius thing." She vaguely explained as Akkun frowned at her words.

"Really...?" He recalled how Takemichi suddenly began acting a bit strange before running off the day he ended up in the hospital. "Now that you mention it... He was suddenly acting a bit off that day before he ran off." He quietly muttered to himself, "Do you have any idea why that was?"

Meiko shook her head, "No..." She sighed, "But..." Giving Akkun a determined look she added, "I'm sick and tired of this bullshit. Whether he likes it or not, I'm definitely going to find out what the hell is going on with him."

Humming in understanding at the older girl's frustration Akkun placed a supporting hand on her shoulder, "If anyone can get that guy to open up, I'm sure it's you Mei-senpai."

Smiling at the taller boy, Meiko quickly ruffled the top of his pompadour head, "Thanks Akkun, and I've told you before. Just call me Mei-nee, you're practically family to me and Michi."

Laughing nervously the male blushed, "R-right."

"Yo! Akkun, hurry up! Stop flirting with senpai! And get your flat ass in here." Makoto shouted out towards the blushing boy as Meiko laughed at the annoyed expression he turned to yell and glare at the other boy.

"Shut up you dumbass! I was not flirting–"

"Right, right!"

"I don't believe you!"

"You assholes!"

Giggling into her hand Meiko turned to leave, "Welp. Hehehe, I guess I'll be on my way then. Don't want to make Hina-chan and Em-chan wait too long." Waving at the boy, she began to leave her home's front yard as she left the boys alone. "Don't burn the house down while I'm gone." She jokingly yelled back as Akkun grumbled and closed the door behind him before following after his friends.

Smiling to herself, Meiko began to make her way down the road. Flipping her phone open, as she began to quietly mutter to herself as she texted her friend. "Just... left... home. Be there... soon. " Nodding to herself she continued on her way down the road, leaving the neighborhood area behind before she stopped near a park. Looking inside she frowned as she noticed a familiar Toman commander quietly sitting on a park bench, with his eyes closed and his head and body leaned back on the bench. "Mikey...?" Looking around her eyes paused on a vending machine that was close by, looking back at the blonde-haired male she smiled before nodding to herself. "Perfect!"

Sighing through his nose, Mikey quietly contemplated the past few days without his best friend as he and Draken were still not on speaking terms, and it was becoming more and more apparent to the blonde male that getting Pah-chin out of Juvenile detention would be no easy feat. "Maybe I should go check on Takemitchy..." He quietly muttered to himself as he opened his eyes to stare up at the clouds, the image of the Hanagaki female flashing through his mind as he recalled her tired and tear-stained face from the last time he saw the siblings in person. 'Ei-chan... I wonder... How she's been.' An ice-cool plastic was suddenly pressed up the side of his face.

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