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               LU SOUSA-ROGERS LAID IN BED SMILING, THE WARTHM RADIATING OFF OF HER husband's body next to her, made her feel like at home

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               LU SOUSA-ROGERS LAID IN BED SMILING, THE WARTHM RADIATING OFF OF HER husband's body next to her, made her feel like at home. She thought back to the years of their marriage, of the start of their relationship. God, she can't believe she got so lucky as to meet her husband, from another universe and him moving just to be with her and their family. They got the chance to expand their family and just everything was working out for Luella Sarah Sousa-Rogers, she has four amazing daughter, an amazing husband who loves her and their daughters with his entire being. She is truly happy, has been for a long time, and she knows with her family, her loving family is hers. She would do anything to protect them, Stephan would do anything to protect them. Years ago when she came back, she didn't think that years later they would be here, she thought she had to raise their daughters on her own, and keep that earth and this one protected. She smiles as she feels Stephan next to her stir, beginning to wake up and move towards her, kissing her shoulder, muttering a good morning.

"Good morning." She says with a smile displaying on her lips. He continues with the mission he has in mind, making Lu laugh cause of his bread tickling her neck.

"Shh." He tells her softly, "don't want to wake up our girls." He says breathlessly near her ear and she swallows harshly nodding in agreement. She definitely didn't want to wake up her daughters.

EMMA FINELY SOUSA-ROGER ORIGINALLY BORN, EMMA FINLEY LEDGER, KNEW a blonde hair woman named Lu would change her life but she never knew exactly how much she would impact her life. Or that she would become her adopted mother. Or Stephen would become her adopted dad, she still remembers her parents, Liz and Frank Ledger. She didn't think she would be living on another universe, similar yet different from theirs.

A fifteenth year old Emma sat on her bed, blasting her music in her earphones, and she felt a dip on her bed, and the person lay next to her. She could tell it was Lu.

"Stephan said, sent sos, she's a teenager now." Lu tells her once Emma takes one earbud off.

"Teenage romance sucks." Emma tells her groaning, "teenage feelings suck!" She exclaims and Lu looks at her with wide eyes, she didn't think this would go this way. "I hate it." She says with a confused look in her eyes, Emma felt overwhelmed by her emotions.

Lu couldn't help but smile softly at her daughter, years ago, when they first arrived, Emma couldn't fathom liking someone, and not worrying about her survival, now she was adapting. While she says had nightmares of being on the other world, and walkers, or zombies. They weren't as bad now, that had mellowed down. Now here she is worrying about teenage romance, and feelings. "Do you want to tell me about it? Or watch a movie or hear music and wallow?"

"Can we watch The Gray Man and eat ice scream?" Emma asks and Lu smiles nodding .

"I always do love watching Ryan Gosling and eating ice cream." Lu says with a mischievous look in her eyes, and Emma can't help but smile. "And we can also watch Do Revenge." Lu says.

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