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STEVE DID LEAVE THE NEXT DAY IN THE AFTERNOON, THE GIRLS SPENT THE DAY MAKING it feel like home to them. Lu hadn't told Emma and Hope about her pregnancy yet, she was trying to figure out how to do it, she was also trying to find the perfect time or a convenient time to do so, she knew that the news would change them, impact their lives as they know it.

Nat looks at as Lu holds Hope in her arms, and the toddler giggles at something Lu tells her. Emma is opening a box, Steve had given her. Nat had a feeling it was art supplies and a few books, or something for creativity.

"Wow Steve got me a camera." Emma says enthusiastically. "Mom! Look." She says holding it up and Lu smiles hearing mom, she turns to look at Emma who's holding up the camera Steve got her.

"That's good baby, you can document our life's now." Lu says smiling, she liked the fact that her dad took in interest in Emma's hobbies. Emma picked up the interest when they got to Lu's earth.

    LU SAT AT THE TABLE, FILLING OUT THE SCHOOL APPLICATION FOR EMMA, LU HAD GOTTEN them new identities. Luella was just Luella Sarah Rogers, even if the house wasn't in her name, Hope Natasha Rogers and Emma Finely Rogers. It was a gift from Rob, via Shield. When she opened the packaged that Nat gave her, she couldn't help but smile.

Nat enters Lu's bedroom as she brushes her hair, before going to bed, Nat approaches her placing a yellow manila envelope on her vanity, in front of her, her name written in the right corner:


"Rob and your dad wanted you to have this." She says before going to her own temporary bedroom. Lu looks at the envelope and opens it, she pulls out IDS and social social security cards for her and the girls. Their was a note, and she opens it:

You three deserve your normal life
- Rob and your friends at Shield

She smiles softly tracing the notes, they gave her shot at normal civilian life, and she couldn't help but smile. "You're going to have a normal life, as normal as I can provide." Lu speaks softly placing her hand over her very flat stomach. 

She wrote Emma's new name, on the application. "Does that mean we're going to buy school supplies?" Emma ask watching Lu fill out the school application.

"Yeah." Lu nods looking up at her.

Emma nods commenting "Cool." before join Nat and Hope in the living room. Lu watches them from the table before continuing with the application.

"Once you're done can we play outside?" Emma asks her.

"Definitely." Lu says smiling. "Just give me a few minutes and we'll go outside to play."

"I can take them outside," Nat offers.

"Please?" Emma asks Lu and the older blonde looks at her and nods.

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