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"How do you feel? Hmm?" the giggle warms my heart as she brings her lips to my ear, "You haven't really thought about it that much at all have you?"

I snort, "Guess living with you made me a little comfortable," then nuzzling against her face.

Then pulling away, asking with a wide smile, "So? Are you finally going to tell me? Or do you think it is all a little too soon?"

Tilting my head, resting my thumb on her chin, "I will never regret you."

"Even when you know I am the one that angers you the most?" she smiles, closing the distance, "Knowing that I might just end up being the death of you?"

"That's because I love you. I don't say these words for the sake of saying them - I am with you and that makes me whole... nothing else matters. Are you trying to say that this was a bad idea? Marrying me?"

She rolls her eyes, "Just making sure you are not having any second thoughts," then resting her ear on my chest, "You still dodged the question."

"I can barely dress-"

"You'd make a good dad, an idol singing songs and writing music with his kickass wife right by his side that is a killer bassist."

"Nobody talks about the bassist," I snort.

"Shut up," then lifting her head, watching me with narrowed eyes, "You are sweet and full of life. I have never seen a single day where you haven't given it your all, not a single song was written where you didn't spend nights on it."

"That's because at my side," caressing her cheek, she rests her head in my hand, "There you were, and that is how I always want it to be."

The vivid memory fades, one of many I'd wish I could have drowned but they haunt me. Blowing the smoke from my system, I stare with an empty gaze into the gray clouds above. Shooting a glance at the burning cigarette between my fingers I lift it to my mouth to take one long and final pull before tossing it out the window.

Blowing it through the corner of my mouth I climb out of the window sill and back into my apartment. The sound of the tv was minuscule, almost like soft whispers that I had hoped would drown my thoughts. Or at least the noise would be enough to pull my attention away from them.

Though sometimes that is just me asking for a little bit too much.

Grabbing the remote, dial up the volume to a hundred as I drop on the couch with my arms dangling between my legs.

-rumors have surfaced on both podcasts and media that the previous face of OLS and husband to passing member Ashley (L/N) might actually come out of his early 'retirement' have had spent the past couple of years dealing with lawsuits and rehab.

The charges were seemingly dropped as no further evidence to support claims of-

Shutting down the TV, I close my eyes as I lean back into the couch. Rubbing my eyes out I then take a deep breath as I speak to myself.

"Don't pretend that you are all excited to see me," grinding my teeth together my anger quickly passes as memories from back then come back, "We all know it will end the same way, with all of you nailing me back into that coffin."

How do I feel... Ash?

Relieved. Because I learned something from your death.

There are no happy endings in this world, maybe that is why we want to escape so badly... there is nothing to celebrate when someone passes from this world. That you can count on the people you love and trusted with everything to let you down the time you needed them the most. 

The real sad thing? That most of us would celebrate our end because then we don't have to suffer anymore.

I know you'd laugh at me, laughing because I let myself become a shell. I know that I would be laughing at myself... because it is pathetic.

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant