Chapter 11

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"Mind taking me home?" I ask as I knock on her bedroom door, pushing it aside as she is sitting in front of a mirror.

"I wasn't going to make you walk home," she states, "Lemme just finish up here and then I'll quickly drive you home, and then I have to get going on some things on my own."

I step closer, watching her through the mirror, "Boyfriend hunting?"

"Someone is a little too pushy," she then locks eyes with me through the mirror with a teasing smile, "Jealous?"

"No. I just thought it would be kind of within my right and roles to know what my fake girlfriend is getting herself in so that when I do have to play white knight I don't make a fool out of myself. I hope you remember that the media dislikes me with a passion."

"Oh, that was a nice deflect," she then shakes her head, "If you remember that there is a festival that I still need to take part in and a lot of that means PR. Remember? That fun thing where you go out and meet the fans."

"Can't say I miss it that much."

She giggles, lifting herself from the chair she rests her hand on my chest, "Well - I like it," bringing her face close to mine, "Come on, let's get you going and into clothes that aren't mine," she steps away from me towards the door.

"This hoodie is mine."


Such a tease. She knows that I know.

"Let me just get my clothes-"

She then asks, "I threw it in the wash. Might as well keep it here for next time you are stranded. As for those you can give them back to me next time you see me."

"Not going to suggest I keep it around for you?"

"God no," she looks at me, "Those are seriously oversized, if you really want you can go ahead and keep them. Just to let you know I will not be stepping foot inside your apartment until you stop smoking."

"Someone's demanding."

"Weren't you married?" she recoils, then shaking her head as she blurts out in an awkward tone, "Come on, stop fighting me, and let's get you home."

I only nod. It feels almost like she is purposely trying to make sure we don't talk about it. Maybe a sign that she isn't comfortable bringing up the past - maybe because it is Ash. I sigh as I twist my mouth to the sides, she glances over her shoulder.

"You don't need to be careful with me Ahri," I state.

"It is disrespectful-"

"We are talking about me, aren't we?" she turns around ready to say something, grabbing her by the waist I pull her closer, our eyes lock.


The hairs on her ears standing on end, watching me with wide eyes, "It shouldn't be bothering you, we can talk about my past all you want. If it ever crosses a line and you don't know where that line is I will tell you - I promise not to get mad," she nods slowly.

Then letting go of her I start walking to the elevator.

She then mutters behind me, "Why'd you grab me like that?"

"Only way to get you to shut up and listen," then with a chuckle, "Considering you are playing this game of trying to bait me into making a move I thought I'd poke fun at you."

She punches in the code to her elevator as she watches me a glare, "Hmmm."

We both step inside as I shake my head with an amused stare, "Are you busy tonight?"

She nods, "Till 2 am, why?"

"I'd actually like to meet the others. If that won't be too much of a problem."

She shakes her head, "The thing is, well you have a VIP pass so you can swing by at the meet-and-greet. The thing is Seraphine is also going to be there."

"Seraphine? And why does it sound like a problem?"

She arches her eyebrow, "I know your type, the shy bubbly girl that doesn't budge easily until she trusts you with her life and starts talking your ear off. Knowing you and your 'tendencies' I should be careful you don't just rope her in."

"I mean you didn't complain about my tendencies last night."

"That is not what I meant!" she then shakes her head as we both laugh, "Dumbass."

"But on a serious note-"

"I was just teasing you. She is a nice girl and I am just telling you what to expect," we reach the ground floor and start walking to the garage, "What are you going to do for the rest of day?"

"Meet my bandmates I guess."

She notices my lack of enthusiasm, "Not looking forward to it?"

"I don't know. I was wondering whether or not I should join back. Make a comeback on the stage but..."

"You don't know how the crowd will receive it."

I nod, "What do you think?"


"You have been doing this longer than me, Ahri."

The corner of her mouth arches upwards as she thinks, "Show them that you don't care. That all those accusations were lies but by appearing on the stage. If you were scared then that means you have something to hide."

I chuckle, offering her an endearing smile, "Then I will do exactly that," then letting my smile fade, "Sorry for counting on you so heavily."

"I don't mind at all," she then steps around the car, I get in as soon as she unlocks it, she then states, "Are you going to sing?"

"If my voice doesn't die on me, I am out of practice."

She then says sternly, "Just don't overdo it. The last thing we want is for you to lose your voice the moment you appear in front of the masses - but just remember that K/DA will always stand behind you."

"Which means if I do disappoint it will just be so much worse."

Rolling her eyes, "Just don't disappoint us then."

Mimicking her words in a mocking tone, "Just don't disappoint us then."

"Are you a child?"

"One that smokes."

"You are unbearable," then asking, "What would it take for you to give up smoking? I know I am sounding like a broken record but wouldn't it be better if you do stop?"

"Well... yeah but you are only being this adamant because your sense of smell hates it."

"I can't even begin to explain how bad it smells," she then chuckles, "Well whatever, at the very least I can tolerate it on your body as long as you aren't smoking next to me."

"God, you have been complaining a lot."

"I will stop this car and make you walk home."

"Looking like this?"

"I'll enjoy reading the news and media posts and make sure you never forget about it."

"I'll shut up then."

"Good boy," she revels in her small victory, her victorious smirk is almost cute.

Then with a chuckle, "I am going, to be honest with you, there have been worse news articles about me. You are going to have to try harder than that, babe."

"You want to take that risk, Babe?"

Right now, there are a lot of things I want to risk. 

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now