Chapter 7

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I hover in the parking lot, the bright blue skies have been infected with an orange hue. It is about time to head home but I said I'd stick around with Ahri - schedules aside it must be hard to get time to do anything so the least I can do is this.

Resting against a half stone wall, tapping my upper leg with my fingers as a cigarette rests between my fingers. 

Taking a deep breath through my nose, the semi-clean air feels refreshing but I guess I am to blame for that. Lifting my hand to my lips, I take a long pull as I slowly blow the smoke upward.

"I thought you quit?"

I then glance to my side, meeting the vixen's smile with my own, "Here I thought you'd cut me some slack. I quit my dangerous drinking habits and haven't touched any hard drugs for quite some time now."

"Hm mhm," she then sides next to me, her shoulder touching mine, "How'd you manage today?"

"Lil made it easy to not feel lonely."

"That girl is a god-send," she tilts her head to the side, I watch her face for a moment as her ears twitch seemingly noticing my gaze, "(Y/N)?"


She rolls her eyes, "You are staring pretty intensely there, spaced out?"

"I guess?" then turning my head to the front, "You are always stunning," then took another pull, "I couldn't ask for a better sister, one so understanding and always helping me to become better than I could ever be."

The giggles as she nudges against me, "That so?" then looking up at the orange skies, "You were never a bad person - ever since we met at least I never once saw you as a dick. Well... maybe a little confrontational."

"Never a simple compliment with you," I shake my head as she I notice her locked onto my eyes.

"Hey, I didn't mean it that way," seemingly pouting as if I am the bad guy.

Then snorting, "You know your charms don't work that easy on me."

She lifts herself, feeling her warm breath against my ear, "If I wanted to charm you and have the way I would have done so already," her whispers sending a shiver down my spine.

I turn to my face to her, her face incredibly close as her smell overpowers the smoke in the air, "Ahri-"

She pulls away with a smirk, "See?" then with a giggle, she sighs, "Don't worry I am just teasing you. Besides you always made it so easy back then."

"Saying I was a plaything?"

Then with furrowed brow, "I'd never go that far~"

"Hmmm," then chuckling, "If anything I would say that I was your weakness."

Her smile fades, dropping her gaze to her feet I kind of feel I overstepped a boundary... maybe opening memories that we should rather have left in a grave. Though she was sparking the conversation over the past it would somehow always end back here.

"And Ash was yours," a weak smile spread across her face.

I then sigh, "Sorry... I overstepped a boundary there."

She nods, "You did," then looks at me, "Though it is just as much my fault as yours, no?" than crossing her arms over her chest, "Sorry... I didn't mean to bring her up. Getting upset when you are supposed to be upset."

Ashley. Though I met her at the same time I met everyone else in K/DA we only started dating years later - it was at a point where all of us were still starting up and I was a solo artist. Ahri was a rising pop star, Evelynn was one of the best vocalists, Akali was a rapper on the streets quickly gaining popularity, and Kai'Sa was a dancer of exceptional talent.

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now