Chapter 10

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"Morning," I look up from the bowl, with a mouth full of food I just wave at her, she then walks to the kettle as she fills it with water, "See that you already raided my cupboards."

Swallowing my mouthful, "Uh-huh," then dropping the spoon in the bowel, "Going to have to say that you pretty shitty tastes in cereal."

"I don't eat cereal," she states.

"How old is this then?" I arch my brow at her.

"Few months."

I look at the bowl with a furrowed brow, "It's not that bad then," I then take another mouth full as she laughs at me.

"It's weird," looking up at her, "You. I almost fully expected to wake up with you curled up against me."

"I'm not a puppy-"

"But still."

"I am playing hard to get," I finish the bowl, "I read an article that explained that women desire things that they under normal circumstances wouldn't be able to have," she arches her brow, gesturing for me to go on, "Have you read the story about Eve being tempted by a snake to eat the forbidden fruit?"

She rolls her eyes at me as she asks, "Want something to drink?"

"Anything will do as long as it is coffee."

"Lucky for you that is all I have," she opens the cupboard and reaches for the jars at the top, still wearing her robe I couldn't help but stare, she glances over her shoulder at me with a smirk, "You can stop staring."

"You can stop trying to seduce me," I counter, returning a smile, "Besides aren't you being a little too comfortable around me for someone that is planning on casually dating to settle down and stuff?"

"Here I was going to offer you a deal," she steps to the fridge pulling out the milk, I wait for her as she slides my cup over the counter, she then sits across from me, "But considering you are playing hard to get it will probably take a lot more than asking, hmm?"

I snort, "Sexual drive as strong as ever I see."

Lifting her shoulders, "I was only teasing you, didn't need to go and pick on my nature."

I chuckle, "Yeah - yeah. But seriously though, how goes this hunt for a partner?"

Twisting her mouth to the side, as if to think of a way to lie to me, she then taps her fingers against the marble tabletop before stating, "It isn't like it is hard to find anyone that is interested it is just hard to find something that I want."

"Vastayan needs really that extreme?"

"To an extent," she nods, "But that isn't what I was referring to."

I scoff, "You mean to tell me you are being picky because you have this dream of the perfect man for you?"

"Okay if you put it that way it sounds silly."

"It is silly regardless," then with a smile, "But I don't mind that silliness. Though if you ever find someone make sure to arrange a dinner date with me and I'll put him through the paces."

"Are you planning on having sex with him?" she asks.

"If that is what it takes."

"Ehhhh," she then shakes her head at me, "But seriously, why?"

I then let my smile fade, "You could say that I plan on cherishing what little I have. Friendships, no matter how small. On that same note, I don't want you to end up making any decisions that you will regret."

"I am a big girl, (Y/N)," she says with a straight face, "I can decide for myself who I want to spend my time with and definitely don't need you to be the one when I have Eve and Akali to worry about."

Pursing my lips, "Hmm, I imagine."


I shake my head, "Nothing."

"Tell you what? If I do end up messing up and doing something I regret I will let you have the first blow and tell me 'I told you so'," her eyes widening as she lifts her cup, she must have forgotten about it.

I take a sip from the coffee, "Let's hope I don't ever have the chance then."

"Yeah," she then asks, "And you? You said you couldn't accept feelings even if you wanted to."

"I don't know myself. Guess I just said that at the moment, I feel like there is a lot more that I need to do - but then again I might just be missing out on a lot," I then look at her, "Tell me, Ahri? Am I foolish? To want some sort of salvation before I can believe that there is something I deserve?"

Her ears lower, giving me a pained smile, "That's a heavy question to pin on me."

"Because I know you won't lie to me," I state, "Lil will do anything and everything for me, to make sure that I am happy and that isn't what I need right now. I want everything as it is."

"I think you are misunderstanding a lot of things," she offers a smile, "Why focus on what happened when you said yourself that you moved on? Did you only move on from Ash? That isn't fair to her, it just shows how petty you are."

"I am petty," I sigh.

She chuckles, "We all are. You had time and now it is about time you start living again, don't you think so? It can be hard to handle but once this is over and if you are so fixated on it... you wouldn't even know what you had when it is gone."

"It is always like that, ain't it?" as she nods I chuckle, "Then how'd you suppose I go about it?"

"I can't give you all the answers."

"Even if I asked nicely? I might just put in something a little extra just for you."

With narrowed eyes, "Super convincing," she then lifts herself, walking to my side she rests her behind against the counter as she looks down at me, "Then how about this? We can pretend to be dating in a secretive manner to get you into the swing of things, we get to do what we usually do but when one of us finds someone then we call it off."

"Sounds like a terrible idea..."

She shakes her head, "We slept together for months and never caught feelings, why would we now?"

Taking a deep breath through my nose, "Again, are you sure about this?"

"I wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn't."

"And what if it does end up happening?" the muscles in her jaw tighten, "What if I catch feelings? What if you catch feelings?"

She lifts her shoulders in a coy manner, "Then I guess we will have a problem."

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now