Chapter 26

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It is already pretty cold this early in the day. Ahri then sides next to me, "So we are at the pier, you don't plan on proposing to me today, right?" she gives me a slight smile.

"Would be counterproductive," I state, "Just time to say goodbye," I shake my hand, revealing the small object, "I could sell it, maybe just give it to someone else but after some thinking, I'd just be as dramatic as possible and toss it into the ocean."

She then looks out into the distance, "Kind of remind you of her, the ocean."

I shake my head, "Not really," I then look at her, "I haven't had anything to remember her by because the thought isn't one I have out of bliss - just that same old feeling of nostalgia eating at my heart."


I chuckle,  "Why are you saying sorry? Not like you killed her, no she gave up when she could have lived on," I don't feel like blaming her for taking the easy way out, I was in that head space not too long ago.

Then spinning the ring around my pinky I toss it into the ocean below, luckily it didn't hit the rocks.

I rest both my arms on the railing, "Sorry for taking you out all the way here just to do that," I laugh at myself, "But I think I have been holding onto too many things and it is time to let them go the only way that makes sense."

She nods, "Goodbye, Ashley."

"Yeah, Goodbye."

There is nothing more to say, nothing more to cry about, nothing more to regret. You are well beyond this world now and it is about time that I stop holding onto it so tightly and with it - wish me luck, because it is still going to be a hard road moving forward.

Ahri rests her hand on my wrist, giving it a squeeze her hand moves up to the palm of my hand, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, one last stop," she nods, pulling away we both walk back to her car, "Thanks, Ahri. For taking the time to walk me through this like I haven't been ready for a long time. Guess I needed someone with me for this."

"What about Lil?"

"She is pretty emotional and would have burst into tears," I chuckle, "That and I thought it would be nice to trick you into spending the day with me."

"All day?" she arches her brow at me.

"Unless you aren't happy with me."

"I didn't say that," she says quickly, "But... this is also therapeutic, I get to say my goodbyes and in my own way find a little bit of solace moving forward. I don't mean to take away from you-"

Shaking my head, "If it works for both of us, then I won't complain."

We get into the car, "Hedgersloft, Synthia street 99," I breathe out.

The GPS loads and tracks the location instantly, "I kind of miss the old days, us talking about it last night it just made me feel like once upon a time... the two of us were a lot brighter. It made me smile thinking of the how, the when."

"We saw each other at our worst," I state, "Well... I was a handful back then."

"Party life, you breathed it and your old friends stuck with you through it all," she chuckles, "It was an open window staring at someone enjoying things, it was hard to imagine you to be down."

I shake my head, "We all have been down before, I just need to find my way back up."

"You'll get there," she smiles, "I miss the old days, without worry."

"Uh huh, we can take a little travel back when all you did was worry."

"It wasn't that bad," she shakes her head, "It could have been loads worse and you know that."

"You were a bit of a drama queen."

"Okay we are done talking about the past now," she shoots me a quick annoyed glance before finally cracking a smile as she meets my own smirk.

We continue talking about bits of the past, most times that were easy to remember and less about times that are definitely better off being forgotten - we weren't perfect people, and as much as life has that illusion.

The difference is that the two of us had our fair share of fights, it is what happens when you care about someone. The smallest disappointment feels like a massive betrayal, we read into the smallest things and think it is an attack on us.

You are distant for one moment because your mind isn't in the right place - and they might just think you finally got sick of them. We are like this because we care, not because we love to fight. People often forget that.

"What is this place?" she asks looking at the house.

"The house we bought," I state, "I haven't stepped a foot inside, haven't ever gotten to furnish it and it probably looks like a ghost house."

"What do you want to do with it?"

I lift my shoulders, "I just came to look at it, don't know but it feels like I owe her that much. I am going to end up selling the lot, it would feel terrible to have to walk into that place knowing that this was supposed to be our home."

She nods, "For the best, I think," then with a chuckle, "The smoke-filled apartment will have to do for a while."

"It isn't that bad," I look at her.

"I prefer mine," she states.

"Hard to compete against a penthouse that you personally got gifted."

She lifts her shoulders into a smirk, "Perks of making it big," she then looks at me, "I hope you show them that you are back, show them that there is nothing they can do because they were wrong since the start."

I nod, "I am still searching for the person that ruined it all."

"We will find them," she then puts her hand on my thigh, "But we aren't going to do anything we will regret."

I nod, "No point going to prison," I sigh then look at the ceiling of the car, "We will handle it when we can. I just hope it doesn't come down to some court case that will take forever to solve."

"If you'd have me, I will be there every step of the way."

I look over at her with a smile, "I don't want to put you through that."

"We will be fine."

"I hope so," I breathe out, "I will leave it to Evelynn, she has her ways of figuring these things out - if she finds out... will you tell me? She has a tendency of wanting to handle things on her own."

"I'll try to," she reassures me, "I guess we can never really live until this is resolved."

"We have now," I look at her, "I won't be going anywhere so we might as well make the most of the time till then - we don't really have a place to go from either," I chuckle, "We can start off with sex and move from there?"

"Funny," she rolls her eyes at me, "It's kinda hard doing this when the two of us have a history."

I chuckle, "It really does complicate things a bit," I then give the house one last look.

This is actually my real goodbye Ash. I am moving on for good.

I smile to myself, "Hey, Ahri. I haven't eaten yet and I am craving a good breakfast," I look at her, "Just outside of town is a beautiful resort me and the Crew used to go to for the late night and awesome breakfasts."

"I know the place," she states, "K/DA have had a few gigs there."

"Definitely a date?"

"We'll see," she starts to drive off.

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora