Chapter 25

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"How do you feel with everything that has happened?" she asks in that tone of voice to trick you into her being friendly only for her to tell you how terribly out of touch you are with your life, man I hope that isn't the case with me.

"Be a bit more specific," I counter.

"You met up with an old flame, as you stated, and not long before that you announced a come back that can lead to even more stress on your end," she crosses her legs, "You can choose between either of those two."

I take a deep breath, "This just works for me, I am coming back from a long vacation, one that I took because my life was ruined. I intend to take it all back for myself - if I need to make it serious then I am willing to cross that line at any given second."

"Do you think it will happen?"

I lift my shoulders, "I have been ignoring the news outlets and media, they have a lot to say and they swap sides quickly - but I guess that is them just stoking a fire and quickly doubling back to say that it was only news and there was no intention to slander my already 'good' name."

She chuckles, "Maybe you have it already figured out for yourself," she clicks her pen, "But does this intention involve getting violent?"

I shake my head, "I can't say what will happen the moment I figure out who did it-"

"Focus more on the fact that you are better off now than hoping to find a single person out of billions - in the search you may just kill your friendships and relationships before they ever had a chance to recover."

I hide my annoyed sigh, "I guess you are right," I am more terrified about losing it all over again.

"And what about her? Why did you want to bring that up?"

I lift my shoulders, lowering my gaze as I state, "I don't really know, I guess I want that validation from someone that works with nutcases like myself and find out if my worrying is just plain silly."

"It can come from a place of guilt, that she would blame you for moving on with your life," I hear her shuffle in her chair, "But... is that what you want? To imagine that your partner that has passed away is currently hating you for moving on from the dead?"

I chuckle, "If you put it like that, yeah... maybe I am silly."

"I can understand where it comes from, though you should consider what would end up making you happier. Hanging on to something that is out of your reach and you will never be able to see again - or letting go."

***   ***   ***

Heading straight back to my apartment the first thing I do is open up the window and let some light into the place - I liked keeping it small back then but now it feels almost too stuffy. I sit at my usual place staring out at the open view of the city.

I have a lot of things to do, honestly, I want to say goodbye to this horrid place. I cried in here, drank myself till blackout, and probably did enough drugs to stop my heart - yet despite the late night, I am still breathing.

I laugh at the thought, the thought of how deep I was into my own grave. Just thinking about what I could have done instead. I could have met Ahri even sooner, but then again maybe time is what I needed.

Otherwise, it would have looked almost desperate.

I glance at my phone whose screen just lit up, I push myself out of my seat and walk to my phone, answering it, "(Y/N)."

"Hey," I soft voice greets me, "Are you busy?"

"Not for you," I reassure her, "This sounds almost like a 'come and meet me quickly' situation."

"Not really," Ahri giggles, "I am just... well kinda just wanted to hear your voice. How are you? You sound like you are in a better mood since our last little talk."

"Well... we did kind of decide to see other people."


I move past it just like that, "But it looks like we are going to the basics of basics."

"Hm mhm," she giggles, "I think I remember the first time we met."

I drop down onto the couch, "How could I forget? You were busy blowing your top with the boyfriend at the time and how you swore that you were going to break up with him after a total stranger encouraged you to go through with it."

"It wasn't that bad... but I was so creeped out at you, you didn't even pick on my super obvious signs that you were being very invasive of my privacy but after you let me rant about it for hours it kind of just went over my head."

I furrow my brow, "Okay but I wasn't weird or creepy."

"Uh huh, we will have to look at that memory again at some point because... yeah."

"Shut up," I roll my eyes, "We can bring up that you were the first to make a move on me but I was so drunk from a party that I blacked out on your floor with Evelynn not letting me ever live it down."

"Get yourself a girl that can sit next to you while you puke and ruin the nice rug that she had to buy with her own money."

"Like how I had to sit with you a couple of weeks ago?"

"I was drunk because of you!"

"I didn't say get drunk!"

She scoffs, "Then you should have known I was going to be an idiot," she then chuckles, "We were best friends back then, never a thought about dating you crossed my mind even after we slept together... almost felt like it was going to turn into one slowly."

I then ask carefully, "You blame me for that?"

"Nope. I blame myself for letting you go," she gives a weak chuckle, "But I never lost you as a friend, but would you ever be able to make your band if I was the one that stole you?"

I chuckle, "Maybe, maybe not."

"But I have you here now, I won't make that same mistake again."

I crack a small smile, "How was your day? If you called me must mean you missed me quite a bit."

"I mean, I did kinda lead with how I really wanted to hear your voice. Do you even listen sometimes?"


"Mostly when it comes down to sex."

"Hey! That is not entirely true," she only laughs at me, "But I am glad that you called, I kind of want to do something tomorrow and wanted to ask you to meet me... I want to say my goodbyes."

She whispers into the phone, "Yeah, okay. Do you want me to pick you up at your place?"

"If you don't mind."

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum