Chapter 6

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*** Ahri POV ***

Finally reaching my apartment after a long day of figuring things out at the venue, I notice that Evelynn is roaming around my place. I arch my brow at her as I ask, "Helped yourself?"

"You gave me a key, so I am going to use it," she then smiles at me, "Got everything sorted?"

"That and a little bit more."

She tilts her head, "Sounds serious," then walking to the couch I sit down, she sits across from me as she turns down the TV, "So? Is it something about making it incredibly harder for K/DA?"

I shake my head, "It's... personal."

She gives me a worried expression, "Talk to me, I can't read minds."

I nod quickly, "I met him today," he gives me a questioning look as I continue, "(Y/N). He was at the festival today... and he looked very good."

"Ahri," she crosses her arms and legs, "By good... you mean incredibly attractive because you missed him, or do you mean to say that he looks like he recovered."

"Last one, obviously."

"I can't tell with you," then tilting her head, "As much as I am happy to hear that, I need you to promise me that you don't go down this spiral."

"What do you mean?" I lift myself in my seat.

"Do I need to remind you?" she sighs as she shakes her head, "You two were inseparable, always next to each other and often disappearing from the group with each other. When you lied to his face about not liking him and then ended up crying in my arms."

"You didn't need to bring that up..." I lower my ears as I avert my gaze from her.

"Someone needs to remind you, you are already in a dating scene. Don't let the fact that he is coming back mean that you are going to throw everything aside that you worked on making work."

"I won't," I state.

"Look at me and promise me that you won't."

I look at her, "I won't."

She doesn't even look a little bit convinced. I wouldn't either, I can't make my mind up sometimes. I don't plan on doing anything with (Y/N), just to talk about the past and move on. To make sure there isn't anything there to regret.

Even though I do regret it.

*** Years ago ***

"And the plans for the day?" I ask as I tuck my hands in the deep blue hoodie that isn't mine, I brought it along to give back to him but it has gotten pretty cold.

Akali looks down at her phone, "I mean - shouldn't we just wait for those two to get here?"

I lift my shoulders, "Probably. Not like they will pay attention."

Akali smirks at me, "Aww... is someone jealous that you lost the role of being the one that kept all of his attention on you?"

I lift my elbow into her shoulder, "Ow!"

"I thought you were a ninja."

"Petty bitch," she mutters.

"You asked for it," Evelynn chuckles.

Kai'Sa only shakes her head at the situation, "They said they were coming so it won't be long till they actually show up."

As the words leave her mouth I spot the two of them walking toward us. It shatters a part of my heart seeing them walk arm in arm, eyes locked onto each other as if they just fell in love for the very first time.

I plaster on my nicest smile, lifting my hand as I call them over, "Come on! We have been waiting for ages!"

I was worried. Worried that the group would somehow dissolve seeing as the five of us were friends for a long time... meeting (Y/N) along with his friends kind of made a new larger group. I was scared that because of our relationship that it would be weird with Ash and the rest of the girls.

As the two of them reach the group, my gaze doesn't meet (Y/N)'s as I know he noticed the hoodie. I can't give it back now... otherwise, it would be weird... maybe I am really just being a petty bitch.

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora