Chapter 21

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Sitting on the sidewalk, Ahri said she wanted to meet with them to say that her plans have changed for the night. I am nearby but my nerves are still on edge so opted to calm myself with a quick smoke.

Though I admire these girls' tenacity. Though once upon a time I would get shitfaced and continue the very next day - feels like worlds apart from where I am now... I might just die if I dare try something like that.

Hearing footsteps draw closer, I finish up the cigarette with one long pull, then crush it under my foot. Lifting myself to see Ahri step closer with Akali just behind her, she lifts her hand in greeting as I smile at both of them.

Akali then almost leaps to my side as she nudges her elbow into my side, "Super surprised to see this outcome."

"Really?" I arch my eyebrow, "I was so sure we took extra steps to make sure nobody would ever find out."

"Definitely fooled me," she states as Ahri shakes her head at both of us, "Well... take good care of her."

"Came all this way to say that?"

She shakes her head as she digs her hands into her jacket, "Nope. My ride is here, though I don't have to tell you anything~" she sings as she waves goodbye before turning around fully towards her bike.

I then arch my brow at her, "Sounds like it went well."

She nods swiftly, "Not really a surprise... it's like telling your parents you have a crush on the boy you have been inviting to your house every weekend."

"Can't be that obvious," I then look at her as she watches Akali leave, "Come here."

She looks at me with a puzzled gaze, "Okay..."

Resting my hand behind her back I pull her closer, she slides her hand around my chest as she rests her head against my shoulder. Embracing her I feel her hair brush against my face.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?"

I nod, kissing her cheek, "I just wanted to hug you," still holding her I pull back to look her in the eye.

"Afraid I'll run away from you?" she tilts her head, playfully bringing her lips closer with a smirk.

"Saying you are going to make me chase you? After making it as painful as possible just to get to this point?" she then lets her smirk fade into an annoyed stare, "What? Did I ruin it?"

She then snorts, "No you didn't," then pressing her forehead against my chest, "Maybe a little bit. Then again we still need to talk about where we go from here..."

"I'd say how you'd normally do dating... then again I don't think the two of us fall under that category," then asking her, "Are just dating to see where this is going?"

"Haven't we already seen where this is going?"

I press my lips together, "I mean... you are basically trying to get me to move in with you," she looks up at me as I brush the hair from her face, "Would it be better to call this a relationship?"

She whispers to me, "You said dating," pressing her lips against mine leading into a slow kiss.

"Meaning to say... that you just really like me," she pulls away from me as my head follows her.

"Hmmm," then glancing up at the sky as she pushes her lips together, "Do you think that the two of us should make it more... official?"

"I have seen you naked at least three times ever since I came back," she then rolls her eyes as she pats my chest, "Not to mention taking care of you when you got drunk."


"Knowing every small detail about you, even the things that you didn't think I'd know," then letting my smile fade with a serious expression, "What do you think, Ahri? Do you care for me that much that you'd call it love?"

She smiles at me with a slight nod, "Okay. You made your point," then pressing her finger against my lips to stop me, "I don't want to get ahead of ourselves, I admit that I do love you but we shouldn't rush into this expecting the best."

Speaking anyway, "We are drawing the line at boyfriend and girlfriend but not at sex?"

She sighs as she shakes her head with a smile, "I mean... you make a pretty solid argument."

"Then?" grabbing her hand interlacing our fingers, "What do you think?"

She nods, "It means you can't complain about me... you know that? The idea was making sure this is what we both wanted... what you want because I know what I want," she then lets her smile fade, "Meaning if this doesn't-"

"It will hurt like a bitch," I nod, "The complaining is a package deal, I mean it is only fair."

"Fair?" she scoffs, then shakes her head at me, "Alright," she nods with an endearing smile, one that makes me return the same smile, "I want you to be mine-" further closing the distance, "- and only mine."

She then pulls away, "Come. I'm tired and want to go home."

"Tired?" I arch my brow, "After you and the girls made plans to go out?"

She nods, "Well... you did make me worry my ass off coming to meet you and then making me walk across the entire festival. That alone is draining," then with a sly smile, "Besides... I just want to go home, that doesn't mean I want to sleep."

I nod, "Then let's get going," I then giver her a quick kiss, "I'll stop by yours in a moment, just need to make a stop at my place."

"Don't keep me waiting long."

"Wouldn't dare to," then saying to her as we break apart.

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now